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5 Cool and Badass Antiheroes in DC

Here are 5 cool and badass antiheroe in the DC universe. Which DC antihero is your favorite?

Here are 5 cool and badass antiheroe in the DC universe. With its much darker and mature style. So it’s no wonder that the DC superhero universe also has characters who basically fight the normality of life.

But despite going against the norm, these characters also want to contribute to creating peace. Now a character who has tendencies like this is what we then know as an antihero. And in fact, there are quite a lot of antihero characters in the DC universe.

But out of all of them. Here are 5 cool and badass heroes in the DC universe. Just a reminder, this list is SUBJECTIVE.

Badass Antihero DC

5. Black Adam

Black Adam
Black Adam | DC Comics

The first cool and badass antihero in the DC universe is a figure that we see in the DCEU film in October 2022.

There’s a reason why this character always comes to mind when you hear the word antihero. This figure from the planet Kanhdaq is indeed a figure who animates the term antihero.

The reason is that he often changes his alliance. Now he is a criminal, the next day he collaborates with the Justice Society of America group. But soon, evil again. Black Adam succeeded in becoming a very strong figure. In fact, he can keep up with DC’s iconic superhero, Superman.

4. Lobo

Antihero DC Lobo
Lobo | DC Comics

The next cool and badass antihero in the DC universe is Lobo. Lobo is basically a bounty hunter. And he doesn’t use any code of ethics in doing his job.

Anyway, his job is just a job. So because he has this principle. He also does not hesitate to kill or maybe in the transaction there are other bloodshed incidents. In addition, with his large, alien, and immortal body. No doubt making him a very dangerous antihero.

3. John Constantine

John Constantine
John Constantine | DC Comics

Of all the characters on this list. It seems that only the figure of John Constantine is favored by many people. Whether he’s a DC fan or a layman. If I notice, there are many who like this character

But I’m not surprised. Because Constantine’s figure is really cool. Starting from his style, appearance, and also his ignorant nature. Plus as we know. He is always a mainstay when it comes to dealing with the mystical.

It’s just that. Although he basically has good intentions to help individuals who need it. Constantine doesn’t care about the code of ethics. Including when the figure he helps gets a magical effect that harms him. And oh yes, one more thing. Sometimes he also irritates the people around him with his arrogance.

2. Rorschach

Antihero DC Rorschach
Rorschach | DC Comics

If we’ve seen the movie adaptation of Watchmen (2009). You won’t be surprised why this antihero character made it to this list.

Rorschach is a typical antihero who, like Lobo, doesn’t hesitate to hurt or even kill his targets. The important thing is that the goal is achieved. But compared to Lobo, Roschach’s level of cruelty/sadism is much more sadistic.

One such example was also reported by WatchMojo. He once beat up a grown man who killed a child. And after he beat him up (possibly to death). The dead killer’s body was simply given to his dog to eat. The point is that for Rorschach, in this world there is no such thing as a gray area. Alias, for him there is only black or white, good or evil.

1. Red Hood

Jason Todd Red Hood
Red Hood | DC Comics

This is the coolest and most badass antihero in the DC universe. Why is that? Well, it’s simple. Red Hood’s origin story is one of the most tragic origin stories that is still remembered to this day.

Okay for those of you who might not know. Red Hood is basically Jason Todd. Todd is the second Robin after Dick Grayson. Now through the storyline of the top Batman comic, A Death in the Family (1988), Todd was brutally murdered by Batman’s nemesis, the Joker.

When Batman and all the readers had given up on his death (well, maybe it was more of a relief that his death was the result of a fan vote). Suddenly in 2005, Todd returned but with a new persona, Red Hood.

As the Red Hood. Todd has become more brutal in his actions. Anyway, he does not hesitate now to kill his enemies. Even though he is still a member of the Bat-Family. It’s very clear that the rule of all superheroes under Batman is NOT TO KILL. But yeah Todd as Hood has ignored the rule.

As a result, he is often seen still being part of the Bat-Family but, still operating with his very antihero code of ethics. So it’s no wonder that he and Batman fight quite often because of Batman’s strong objections to Todd’s methods.

Okay guys. That was 5 cool and badass antiheroes in the DC universe. Of these five. Which DC antihero is your favorite?

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