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One of Spider-Man’s Iconic Enemies, 4 Abilities of Kraven The Hunter

Kraven The Hunter is one of Spider-Man's most iconic villains. This time we will discuss Kraven The Hunter abilities.

Kraven The Hunter is one of Spider-Man’s archenemies. Marvel fans must be familiar with this character. Well interestingly recently Sony announced that they will produce a Kraven The Hunter movie, therefore this time we will discuss the abilities of Kraven The Hunter.

In the story, Kraven is a villain who is obsessed with hunting Spider-Man. He does various ways to catch Spider-Man. In fact, he often has to deal with other superheroes.

Kraven The Hunter’s Abilities

So what are the abilities possessed by Kraven? For those of you who don’t read the comic and are curious, you can see the discussion below.

1. Possesses Superhuman Strength

kraven the hunter -super-human-powers

Kraven’s first power is that he has superhuman strength. From a physical point of view, Kraven is actually the same as ordinary humans in general, except that he has extraordinary skills in hunting.

Unlike Spider-Man’s other enemies, Kraven was able to obtain his superpowers from herbs. He collects various plants and makes them into one, then consumes them.

2. Has Hunting Equipment

Kraven The Hunter abilities

Kraven The Hunter’s next ability is that he has hunting equipment. As we discussed at the previous point, this Kraven has superpowers. In addition, he also has great hunting skills.

As a hunter, it’s no surprise that Kraven has a full set of hunting equipment. He often uses these tools to fight his enemies, and Kraven is very good at using these tools.

3. Can Tame Animals


Kraven The Hunter’s next ability is that he can tame animals. In addition to having superhuman physical abilities, and also being an expert in using hunting equipment. Kraven apparently has other abilities that are no less cool.

One of them is that he can tame animals, uniquely not just pets or farm animals. But Kraven can also tame wild animals, then his fighting techniques are also based on animal movements.

4. Expert in Herbal Medicine


The last ability is that Kraven is an expert in herbal medicine. As we mentioned earlier, Kraven derives his superpowers from herbs that he collects together.

Now from that explanation alone, we already know that Kraven is an expert in herbal medicine. In addition to improving his physical abilities, Kraven also uses herbal medicine for other things such as healing his wounds.

Thus the discussion about the abilities possessed by Kraven The Hunter. After reading this article and seeing the list of his powers, what do you think of this Kraven figure? Don’t forget to keep visiting Dafunda.

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