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5 Most Dangerous Batman Villains

Of all the villains Batman has faced, here are 5 of the most dangerous.

Actually, if we think about it, this list feels unfair and strange. Because as we know, the average Batman villain in Gotham city is crazy and dangerous.

This is because most villains are ordinary people who are psychopaths or sociopaths. So it’s no wonder that Batman gets dizzy every night when dealing with them. But of all of them, here are the 5 most dangerous Batman villains.

Most Dangerous Batman Villains

5. Talon

most dangerous batman villain
Talos | DC Comics

Talon is an assassin belonging to the dangerous villain group The Court of Owls. Just like his boss, he also successfully tortured Bruce both physically and mentally.

And even crazier, Talon is actually William Cobb, the great-grandfather of the first Robin, Dick Grayson. Cobb was able to survive because of his regeneration powers.

They’re already sadistic, they’re related to each other, so it’s no surprise that they ended up on this list.

4. Hush

most dangerous batman villain
Hush | DC Comics

Hush, whose real name is Tommy Elliot, is Bruce’s former best friend. Tommy, like Bruce, also comes from a wealthy family.

But unfortunately unlike Bruce, he has a sweet relationship with his parents. Anyway, it’s really devastating. Well strangely, he then became jealous and blamed his suffering on his best friend.

With a grudge, he is determined to finish off Batman. And he never hesitates to fulfill his mission. Plus, because he’s a childhood friend, Hush knows Batman’s true identity and all of his weaknesses.

3. Bane

Batman | DC Comics

Batman is undeniably one of the superheroes who can fight. Anyway, whoever the villain tries to fight with him, will immediately fall down.

But this doesn’t apply when he meets Bane. Not only is his posture really big, but his strength when slamming or beating people is crazy.

Proven through the comic Batman: Knightfall (1993-1994), Batman easily broke Batman’s back. And for all readers / fans, this moment is one of Batman’s shocking moments of all time.

2. Ra’s Al Ghul

Ras Al Ghul
Ras Al Ghul | DC Comics

As we also saw in Batman Begins (2005), Al Ghul is the one who taught Batman martial arts through his League of Assassins school.

In addition to having excellent martial arts skills and intelligence, he is also immortal. Even if severely injured or killed, Ra’s can come back to life by “plunging” into the restoration pool, Lazarus Pit.

So yes, the point is, no matter how many times Batman defeats his figure, he will continue to return mainly, through Batman’s mind. But at the same time, he also has high respect for Batman. He admits that Batman is the best detective of all time.

1. Joker

Joker batman villain
Joker | DC Comics

Maybe many of you are asking and even annoyed. “Joker again, Joker again”. But yes, that’s the reality. Indeed, every time he meets, he always loses. Especially in terms of fighting, already deh, Joker is immediately mental.

But what we need to remember is that because he is mentally ill, he is unstable. Then, he doesn’t hesitate to act recklessly even though it endangers his life and surroundings. Now his unpredictability is what makes him a very dangerous villain,

Now what do you think about this discussion guys?

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