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The Origin and Power of The One Above All, God in the Marvel Universe

Hello MCU fans, this time we will discuss the origin and power of The One Above All, the god in the Marvel Universe. Curious? Let's check.

Marvel is one of the most popular Superhero franchises, this franchise has been around for a long time, but until now its popularity remains high. For those of you who are new to the Marvel series or have just joined the Marvel fandom, you must have heard the name The One Above All. Now to answer the curiosity of who The One Above All is, this time Dafunda will invite you to discuss the origin and strength of The One Above All.

For those of you who don’t know The One Above All is a very extraordinary figure. He is one of the most overpowered characters. You see, he can create anything easily and destroy it easily too.

Here’s the Origin and Power of The One Above All

Are you curious about who The One Above All is, where it comes from and what its powers are? Then let’s see the full discussion below.

1. Background of The One Above All

The One Above All Background
Background The One Above All | Marvel Comics

The One Above All doesn’t actually have an origin, but it’s clearly responsible for all life in the Marvel Multiverse. He is also the ruler and superior of the Living Tribunal.

However, The One Above All has shown his form several times with figures that resemble Jack Kirby and Stan Lee. Now the ones who created the character of The One Above All are Mark Waid and Mike Wieringo. The One Above All first appeared in Fantastic Four comic #511 in May 2004.

2. Peter Parker Once Met The One Above All

Peter Parker Once Met The One Above All
Peter Parker Once Met The One Above All | Marvel Comics

Well The One Above All has also met Peter Parker, he appeared when Peter’s aunt was on the verge of death. The One Above All taught Peter to accept death as a natural part of life.

Looking at the incident, we can certainly guess that The One Above All is loving and caring towards all of its creations, although it may be disappointed and feel sorry for those who follow a dark or wrong path.

But behind its loving and compassionate nature, The One Above All can manifest itself as The One Below All, to destroy the life it has created and start anew.

3. The Power of The One Above All

The Power of The One Above All
Kekuatan The One Above All | Mavel Comics

As the god of the Marvel Universe, the power of The One Above All is immeasurable. It resides in all universes, it is omniscient and its power is above all cosmic forces and all entities. So powerful that The One Above All is described as the writer himself.

But it turns out that The One Above All has the weakness of Multiversal imbalance, so when Thanos, controlled by his future self, holds the Regulator of the universe, an artifact that is much more powerful than the Infinity Gems.

Because of this, there is an imbalance in the Multiverse, something that The One Above All cannot fix. This allowed the all-powerful Thanos from 4657 A.D. to absorb the above.

This is the discussion about the origin of The One Above All, God in the Marvel Universe. Now after reading this article, what do you think about the figure of The One Above All? Don’t forget to keep visiting Dafunda.

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