The Marvel universe is filled with strong male characters. Be it in movies, television series, and comics. However, marvel comics also has some of the strongest female characters to ever appear in comics.
These strongest female characters are not only physically strong, but also emotionally and intellectually strong. Marvel’s movie Captain Marvel is the first strongest female character to appear as a movie title. Of course fans want to see more of such a movie. Hopefully we will see it in a future Marvel movie.
This time Dafunda will provide 10 of the strongest female characters in the Marvel world.
Notes: The list below only shows the ranking of characters that we hope to see more stories about on the big screen.
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Strongest Female Characters in Marvel
10. Black Widow
Natasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow, may not have the telepathic and telekinetic powers of Jean Gray and other superheroes on this list.
But he’s a spy who is well known in the Marvel Universe. He’s spent his time with spy organizations all over the world. Having worked with various sources has given her a skill set that few Marvel characters possess.
Therefore, he can easily outsmart characters that are even stronger than him in terms of strength. Also, this Avengers member is a martial arts master. Although he tends to use various high-tech weapons and gadgets, his main weapon is his fighting skills.
9. Spider-Womam
Spider-Woman is basically a combination of Spider-Man (Peter Parker) and Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff). Not only does she have all the powers that Spider-Man has, but she is also a super spy and private investigator. This makes her physically strong, tactically and intellectually powerful.
Although Spider-Woman has a rather complicated story that has changed her several times over the years, she has always been portrayed as a strong character. Spider-Woman or Jessica Drew has had a lot of experience with both S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA. Unlike Drew, Peter Parker’s intellectual talent can be hampered by his naivety.
8. Jean Grey / Dark Phoenix
The next strongest female character is Jean Grey. Even without using the power of the Phoenix, Jean Grey is one of the most powerful characters ever. She is extremely talented when it comes to using her sometimes unpredictable telekinetic and telepathic powers.
His mutant abilities were on par with those of Professor Charles Xavier and even surpassed them when he joined the Phoenix Force.
Jean’s telepathic abilities allow her to move anything with her mind. This means she can control airplanes in flight, send people flying in all directions, and even tear their skin with the mere thought of it.
7. Emma Frost
Similar to Jean Gray, Emma Frost, also known as The White Queen, has telekinetic powers that allow her to create hallucinations in the minds of others.
He can also understand what someone is thinking as long as he is around them. In the comics and in X-Men: First Class, she has proven that her powers are very useful as she can easily manipulate and distract her opponents.
Another power Frost has is that she can transform her body into a diamond shape. When using this power she is completely immune to any physical attack.
6. Scarlet Witch
Scarlet Witch is definitely on this list of the strongest female characters. This is because there is basically no limit to her powers. While the Avengers movies have shown the mutant wonder Wanda Maximoff in action, they haven’t explored the full extent of her abilities.
In the comics, Wanda has shown off far more of the powers she possesses. She is able to rebuild reality as we know it to fulfill her own desires. He does it with just a little anger, minimal concentration and uttering three little words. This ability of his can change the storyline of any character in the Marvel Universe.
5. Spectrum
Spectrum is one of Marvel’s strongest female characters that most fans don’t know about. However, she is one that everyone should know about because she has incredible powers.
Spectrum, also known as Monica Rambeau, is a former New Orleans Harbor Lieutenant who received exposure to extra-dimensional energy and gained the power to transform into any form of energy along the electromagnetic spectrum. This means she can fly at the speed of light, shoot lasers, and turn herself into one.
While Spectrum is already in Mavel Comics, he hasn’t made it to theaters yet. We certainly hope to see him in a Marvel movie in the future.
4. Storm
The next strongest female character to change the weather at will is Storm. If you say that changing the weather from rainy to sunny or vice versa is a big insult. Storm can destroy an entire city by summoning a tsunami.
Nonetheless, firing or summoning lightning tends to be Storm’s favorite weapon. This is because she can summon it from the sky at any given time to shock her opponents into submission.
Storm is also a natural leader and tends to bring out the best in others’ strengths. This matches her intelligence which makes her even stronger.
3. X-23
How can we beat Wolverine played by Hugh Jackman? Well, that might be impossible. But X-23 or Laura Kinney might be the next Wolverine story.
After all, she’s basically a much younger female character. Plus only X-23 also has claws coming out of her feet. This makes her look like a lioness ready to attack her prey.
More importantly, X-23 has Wolverine’s incredible healing abilities. These mutant powers make her one of the most invincible characters in the Marvel universe. We’ve seen X-23 in action in Logan. We certainly hope to see her in action again in her own spin-off movie.
2. Captain Marvel
As we’ll find out in the Captain Marvel movie, Carol Danvers gained her amazing abilities while trapped in a radioactive energy blast. This ability gives him the power to absorb energy and project it at will, as well as create rays of light and heat.
She can also fly and has increased physical strength and endurance. Captain Marvel also has a cosmic awareness that allows her to sense problems before they reach her. We are sure that we are all very excited when she finally makes her big screen debut in March 2019.
1. Nemesis
The strongest female character ranked first is Nemesis. This character is the result of carrying six Infinity Stones along with the missing “Seventh Gem”. Bringing these seven incredible items together created this one-of-a-kind being.
Nemesis has all the power of the Infinity Stones. It’s just that he has it much bigger due to the presence of the “Seventh Gem”. So, just imagine the power of Thanos from Infinity War, but this time multiplied to be 2 or 3 times stronger.
Without a doubt, this Marvel character is not only one of the strongest female characters but also one of the most powerful creations of all time.
That’s the list of the strongest female characters we’d love to see more of on the big screen. Leave your comments below.