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8 Coolest Skins in Mobile Legends

Hello Mobile Legends players, this time we will discuss the coolest skin in Mobile Legends that you must have.

Skin is one of the important elements in Mobile Legends, because with skins the characters we use will appear with a different appearance, then there are several skins that change the visual skills of the characters. Because of this, players become more excited to play if they use skins. Speaking of skins, this time we will discuss the coolest skins that players like in Mobile Legends.

Mobile Legends has been released since July 2016, considering this game has existed for 6 years, it is quite natural that Moonton as the developer of Mobile Legends has released many skins with different designs.

The Coolest Skin in Mobile Legends

So what are the coolest skins that many players love? Here’s the complete list and discussion below.

1. Hayabusa – Shura

Hayabusa – Shura | Moonton

The first coolest skin in Mobile Legends is Hayabusa’s Shura skin. For those of you who don’t know, this Shura skin was released in November 2021 as part of the Double 11 Carnival Mobile Legends.

If we pay attention to Shura’s skin, it is quite similar to Susano’o in the Naruto series. Because this skin only appeared during last year’s event, those of you who want to have this skin must wait for Moonton to re-release.

2. Granger – Starfall Knight

Granger – Starfall Knight | Moonton

The coolest skin in Mobile Legends next is Granger’s Starfall Knight skin. According to the information we got, this skin was released in mid-2021, the cool thing is that this skin has a new animated appearance, new visual skill effects and a new voice.

The reason why this skin can be popular is because it uses a pixelated theme. Now to get this skin, players must take part in certain events, what’s more this skin is included in the limited or rare skin, if you are lucky you only need to spend 5000-6000 Diamonds at the gacha event.

3. Selena – S.T.U.N.

coolest skin in mobile legends
Selena – S.T.U.N. | Moonton

The next coolest skin in Mobile Legends is Selena’s S.T.U.N. skin. So this Selena hero is one of the Mobile Legends characters who got the S.T.U.N edition skin, besides Selena there are Chou and Brody.

The three skins are included as part of the game’s 515 Eparty special event held in 2021. S.T.U.N. itself stands for Strength, Tactic, Unity, and Novelty. If we relate Selena’s S.T.U.N. skin is much cooler than Chou’s or Brody’s.

4. Lunox – Eyes of Eternity

Lunox – Eyes of Eternity | Moonton

Then there is Lunox’s Eyes of Eternity skin. This skin, which was released in mid-2021, is one of Lunox’s skins that many people like. The problem is that this skin shows the figure of Order and Chaos which is divided into two, because this skin also makes Lunox look much cooler and intimidates opponents.

5. Pharsa – Peony Bloom

Pharsa – Peony Bloom | Moonton

The next coolest skin in Mobile Legends is Pharsa’s Peony Bloom skin. According to the information we got, this skin was released as a featured skin in the Starlight Pass in September 2021.

This skin can only be obtained by buying Starlight. Unlike Lunox who looks very intimidating, this Pharsa skin makes Pharsa’s figure look very beautiful with bright clothing colors.

6. Guinevere – Psion of Tomorrow

coolest skin in mobile legends
Guinevere – Psion of Tomorrow | Moonton

The next coolest skin in ML is Guinevere’s Psion of Tomorrow skin. You must agree that this one skin is one of the best skins in Mobile Legends, at first glance we see Guinevere’s skin taking on a Sci-Fi theme.

In addition, the effect of this skin looks very beautiful and luxurious, coupled with the visual hologram of the fox which makes it look extraordinary. As a Mobile Legends player, of course you must have this skin.

7. Esmeralda – Light Envoy

Esmeralda – Light Envoy | Moonton

Then there is Esmeralda’s Light Envoy skin. Heroes who always rely on this basic attack, when using the Light Envoy skin will look very cool. The problem is that every time Esmeralda attacks it will issue a golden effect wrapped in blue. In addition, the clothes used by Esmeralda are also very good, so you don’t get tired of looking at them.

8. Chou – King of Fighter

coolest skin in mobile legends
Chou – King of Fighter | Moonton

The last coolest skin in ML is Chou’s King of Fighter edition. From the name alone we can guess that this skin is a collaboration skill, of all the King of Fighter collab skins, Chou’s skin is the coolest and is targeted by many people.

The problem is that the skin fits perfectly with the gameplay. Given that this skin is a collab skin, it is difficult for Moonton to re-release and make this skin one of the rarest skins.

Those are some of the coolest skins and loved by many players in Mobile Legends. After seeing the list, which skins do you like and what skins do you currently have? Don’t forget to keep visiting Dafunda.

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