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7 Best Arcana of Dota 2 Heroes that Look Really Cool

Dota 2 is one of the most famous online games, in the Dota 2 game there are lots of heroes and also each hero has a different set of items or accessories. Each player can buy the set item separately or in full set. Of the many set items, Arcana is the coolest skin and has a different level of luxury. So therefore this time we will discuss the best Dota 2 Arcana which is very cool.

Arcana itself is well-known as a set item that gives a different look to Dota 2 heroes. Apart from giving a different look, Arcana also provides skill effects so that the impression is much better than the original version.

Best Arcana Dota 2

So what Arcana are the coolest and must-have for players? Here is the complete list and discussion below.

1. Compass of The Rising Gale

Compass of The Rising Gale
Compass of The Rising Gale | Valve Corporation

The first best Dota 2 Arcana is Compass of The Rising Gale. For those of you who don’t know, this Arcana belongs to Windranger which was released in September 2020. Players can get this Arcana through the Battle Pass.

If we pay attention to Windranger’s Arcana, this one gives the appearance of a forest fairy, of course this makes Windranger’s appearance more beautiful and of course also this Arcana not only takes the appearance, but gives a different skill effect.

2. The Eminence of Ristul

The Eminence of Ristul
The Eminence of Ristul | Valve Corporation

The next best Dota 2 arcana that is very cool is The Eminence of Ristul Bundle. This Arcana belongs to Queen of Pain which was released in June 2020 yesterday.

If we pay attention to the Arcana called The Eminence of Ristul Bundle, it makes Queen of Pain look more fierce like the Demon Queen. In addition, this Arcana also provides skill effects and the appearance of different skill icons from the original version.

3. Flockheart’s Gamble

Flockheart’s Gamble | Arcana terbaik Dota 2
Flockheart’s Gamble | Valve Corporation

The next best Dota 2 Arcana that is very cool is Flockheart’s Gamble. Now this one Arcana belongs to Ogre Magi which was released in December 2019 yesterday. You can still buy this special Ogre Magi Arcana on Steam.

Molten Firelark is the default style for Ogre Magi and with Flockheart’s Gamble, players can use the style Resplendent Firelark after collecting 500 Gems points. Like other Arcana, Flockheart’s Gamble also provides cool skill effects and icons.

4. The Magus Cypher

The Magus Cypher
The Magus Cypher | Valve Corporation

Then there is The Magus Cypher. This arcana belongs to Rubick which was released in December 2019 yesterday. Even though it was released a long time ago, you can get The Magus Cypher by buying it on Steam.

Just like other Arcana, this one item is certainly a must-have if you like Rubick heroes. The problem is that this item provides different skill effects and also cool icon skills, making players even more excited when playing Rubick.

5. Tempest Helm of the Thundergod

Tempest Helm of the Thundergod
Tempest Helm of the Thundergod | Valve Corporation

The next best Dota 2 Arcana that is very cool is Tempest Helm of the Thundergod. For those of you who don’t know, this Arcana was released in December 2015 and if we pay attention, we can guess that this Arcana belongs to Zeus.

If you use this Arcana, we can see Zeus standing tall and riding the clouds, then we can also see that he is holding a lightning spear that characterizes Zeus and just like other Arcana, this item gives Zeus a skill effect.

6. Bladeform Legacy

Bladeform Legacy | Arcana terbaik Dota 2
Bladeform Legacy | Valve Corporation

The next best Dota 2 Arcana that is very cool is Bladeform Leegacy. This Arcana was released in January 2017 and is specialized for a hero named Juggernaut. You could say this Arcana is quite simple because it’s just a mask.

Even so, this Arcana is included in the set that must be owned by dota players because this Arcana has two versions, namely Aqua and Red. Given that Juggernaut is a popular hero, of course this Arcana is in demand in the market, especially among users of carry.

7. Great Sage’s Reckoning

Great Sage's Reckoning | Arcana terbaik Dota 2
Great Sage’s Reckoning | Valve Corporation

The last very cool Dota 2 best Arcana is Great Sage’s Reckoning. This last Arcana is the coolest Arcana and also very luxurious. Just like Arcana Juggernaut, although it looks simple but Great Sage’s Reckoning has a certain level.

Because when you reach a certain level, the Great Sage’s Reckoning will give a different color display effect to our Monkey King hero, there are 4 color changes that make this item very popular and in demand by many people.

These are some of the best Dota 2 Arcana that are very cool and luxurious. After reading this article and seeing the list, which Arcana do you have? Don’t forget to keep visiting Dafunda.

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