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7 Best Starlight Skins in Mobile Legends

Hello Mobile Legends players, this time we will discuss the best starlight skins in ML. Which skin do you have? Let's check here.

Mobile Legends is one of the most popular MOBA games. Seeing the success of this one game, Mobile Legends released many skins and one of the most famous skins is Skin Starlight. Now because this time we will discuss the best Skin Starlight in ML, which one do you have?

Mobile Legends is a mobile game developed by Moonton. Mobile Legends itself was first released in 2016, considering that this one game has been around for more than 6 years, of course Moonton has released many skins.

Best Starlight Skin in ML

So what starlight skins are included in the best skins in Mobile Legends? Want to know, here is the complete list and discussion below.

1. Freya – Dragon Hunter

Freya - Dragon Hunter
Freya – Dragon Hunter | Moonton

The first best Starlight skin in ML is Freya’s Dragon Hunter. As the name implies, this skin released in 2017 shows Freya as a Dragon Hunter or dragon hunter.

If we pay attention to Freya’s skin, this one makes Freya’s appearance much more sangar, with a sword and a large dragon-headed shield. For the color itself, Freya’s skin is dominated by purple.

2. Irithel – Nightarrow

Irithel - Nightarrow
Irithel – Nightarrow | Moonton

The next best Starlight skin in ML is Irithel’s Nightarrow. For those of you who don’t know, when this skin was first released it was controversial. The problem is that the lion ridden by Irithel was originally similar to Toothless from the How to Train Your Dragon animation.

Then Moonton redesigned irithel’s lion skin. Although the latest design is not as good as the initial design, this skin is still worth having. The problem is that Irithel’s lion skin looks cute, unlike the other lion skins that look scary. Then the animation effect is also much cooler.

3. Clint – Rock and Roll

Clint - Rock and Roll
Clint – Rock and Roll | Moonton

The next best Starlight skin in ML is Clint’s Rock and Roll. This Marksman hero is arguably less popular, even so Clint has sick damage if the build is correct, even pro players often use Clint during tournaments.

If you are a Clint user, of course having a Starlight skin called Rock and Roll is a must-have for you. The problem is that this skin shows Clint wearing after like a rockstar, he is quite similar to Slash from Guns and Roses, the effect skill can also emit tones.

4. Alucard – Viscount

Alucard - Viscount
Alucard – Viscount | Moonton

Then there is Alucard’s Viscount skin. As we know Alucard is a hero who is quite popular, especially among children. Although often considered a burden hero, if the build is right Alucard can be a terrible creature.

If we pay attention to this Viscount skin, it shows Alucard with an appearance like a vampire prince. Alucard’s appearance is dominated by maroon color with white hair and fiery red eyes.

5. Akai – Akazonae Samurai

Akai - Akazonae Samurai
Akai – Akazonae Samurai | Moonton

The next best Starlight skin in ML is Akai’s Akazonae Samurai skin. As the name implies, Moonton provides a skin where Akai will look like a samurai and uniquely Akai’s frog will also be dressed in typical Japanese clothing.

If we pay attention to Akai’s skin, this one is dominated by red, then when he launches his spear, a puff of red smoke will come out like a cloud. Likewise, when Akai does ulit, he will spin and release a collection of red smoke.

6. Balmond – Biorid

Balmond - Biorid
Balmond – Biorid | Moonton

The next best Starlight skin in ML is Balmond’s Biorid skin. So in April 2022, Moonton released a Balmond skin that uses a theme with poisonous biological weapons, according to the story Balmond changed from a Red-looking goblin to an Orc with poison and because of this Balmond’s left hand has a poison effect. In addition, if we pay attention, Balmond uses very strong iron armor.

7. Nana – Cyclone Clash

Nana - Cyclone Clash
Nana – Cyclone Clash | Moonton

The best Starlight skin in ML is Nana’s Cyclone Clash. We know that Nana is a hero who has a cute appearance but her skills are very annoying, even players who hate Nana’s hero.

This Starlight skin called Cyclone Clash shows Nana with a very cool appearance. Now what’s interesting about this skin is that Nana’s weapon also changes from a boomerang to a disk.

Thus the list of the best Starlight skins in ML, after seeing the list and discussion, which skin do you think is the coolest, then which Starlight skin do you have? Don’t forget to keep visiting Dafunda.

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