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Black Myth: Wukong Set for Summer 2024 Release

Game Science has just announced that Black Myth: Wukong will be released in summer 2024 with a lot of interesting content.

Game Science has just announced that Black Myth: Wukong will be released in the summer of 2024. The game features a Sekiro-like feel: Shadows Die Twice, Nioh, and feels like Mortal Shell.

In this game, players will play as Wu Kong, who appears in two different characters. It is not yet known what this story will be like, because the trailer only reveals a glimpse. The main attraction of Black Myth: Wukong lies in the graphical quality with Unreal Engine 5 that is really utilized to the fullest.

The game will have a game time of 15 hours and will feature more than 100 different types of enemies. This game will be an Action-RPG genre that is planned to be released on the PC platform.

Use Unreal Engine 5

Overall, this game is impressive and has the potential to be the best game adaptation of the Journey to the West story. Carrying the action RPG genre, the gameplay format itself seems quite similar to soulslike.

Even though you play as a legendary hero, you will still face many challenging enemies that demand more strategy. The beauty of this game is powered by Unreal Engine 5 technology.

Unreal Engine 5 is a graphics technology that is widely used by game developers because it can make games produce amazing graphics. With Unreal Engine 5, this game is capable of displaying 4K.

Ready for Summer 2024 Release

This game will tell the adventures of Sun Wukong as the main character, going west to deliver the holy book but with a dark theme. You must be familiar with this magic ape character right? As you know Sun Wukong is one of the main characters in the story of Journey to the West.

So far Black Myth: Wukong has been fairly consistent in providing major updates. The confirmation of the release schedule especially gives us more certainty, although for the time being there are no details about the availability of platforms other than PC.

Through a trailer, this game presents some of the latest features and also the shape of the UI of this game, although the writing is still using Chinese / Chinese characters. Black Myth: Wukong itself will be released in the summer of 2024.

Black Myth is an ongoing series and Wukong is the first of three planned games. Each Black Myth title will take inspiration from a different Chinese fairy tale.

That was the information about the presence of the Black Myth game: Wukong which presents stunning visuals and gameplay. Make sure you keep an eye on Dafunda so you don’t miss information and other interesting content from us.

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