On June 8, 2024, renowned host Geoff Keighley will return to host the Summer Game Fest 2024 show. The event will take place at YouTube Theater Los Angeles. Keighley announced this news via his very popular social media accounts.
Summer Game Fest gives game developers and companies the opportunity to introduce their latest products to a wide audience.
Through a tweet on his Twitter account, Geoff Keighley expressed his excitement to be hosting the Summer Game Fest again this year. He also thanked the fans for their support and enthusiasm from the start.
Keighley explained that the event will introduce key announcements, exclusive trailers, and gameplay demos of the latest games in development.
Will Last for Over 2 Hours
The YouTube Theater, the venue for this year’s Summer Game Fest, is one of Los Angeles’ most famous venues for big shows and conferences. With a sizable capacity, it can accommodate thousands of viewers who attend in person or via livestream.
Summer Game Fest 2024 will be an important moment for the gaming industry. After a difficult year due to the pandemic, developers and game companies have been working hard to bring exciting and innovative content to fans.
The event will be the perfect platform to promote these products to a wide audience. In addition to announcements and gameplay demos, the Summer Game Fest will also feature various special events and musical performances.
Geoff Keighley will be hosting the upcoming Summer Game Fest show on June 8, at 4:00 PM ET at the YouTube Theater in Los Angeles. You can watch it on YouTube, Twitch, TikTok, X, Steam, and various international partners.
The 2-hour expo will feature announcements, trailers, and more featuring a “first look at the most anticipated games” and “what’s next for the video game industry”.
Gaming enthusiasts around the world are excited for Summer Game Fest 2024. They hope that this event will provide a deeper insight into the games they’ve been waiting for.
For those of you who are interested in getting notified of this event, you can visit the official website of Summer Game Fest. If you are interested in reading other news from us, make sure you always visit Dafunda.