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6 Reasons Why You Should Play Moonlight Blade M

Here's why you should play Moonlight Blade M. Want to know why? Check out the full discussion here. Moonlight Blade M is a fantasy MMORPG

Moonlight Blade M is a fantasy MMORPG game that was recently released on May 15, 2024. This game has been anticipated by many people for a long time. The global version has just launched and can be played on iOS, Android, and Windows devices. In this article, Dafunda will explain why you should play Moonlight Blade M.

Moonlight Blade M is an online game that is very popular among gamers. It was developed by Tencent Games, one of the world’s leading gaming companies. Moonlight Blade M offers a highly engaging and immersive gaming experience with beautiful graphics and exciting gameplay.

Reasons Why You Should Play Moonlight Blade M

Is there a chance that players will feel at home playing this game for a long time? Here’s why.

1. Have a Large Maps

Have a Large Maps
Have a Large Maps

Graphical quality and a supportive environment are important factors in determining the beauty of a game. Moonlight Blade M has both these aspects well in place. The quality graphics and beautiful environment make this game an interesting choice to play.

There are 11 regions to explore with different nuances in this game. After completing daily activities, players can enjoy the beautiful environment of this game as an alternative activity. In addition, players can also play with friends to explore the regions together.

2. There are Many Jobs

There are Many Jobs

In MMORPG games, one of the interesting things is the variety of job/class options available. This also applies in the Moonlight Blade M game, where there are 6 classes that can be selected according to their respective playstyles.

The six classes include duelist, muse, sentinel, puppet master, vagrant, and conjurer. Each class has different advantages and specializations in combat. There are classes that are more suitable for melee-DPS, mid range-heal, melee-high def, range-DPS, melee control, and mobile-support.

Players can choose the type of class that suits their personal preferences. However, it is important to find a class that matches your playstyle in order to maximize your gaming experience and avoid boredom.

3. Has Many Features

Has Many Features

Moonlight Blade M is not only a game with an interesting storyline and beautiful scenery. It also offers many features that allow players to express themselves.

For example, players can meditate anywhere to restore their character’s health, or run while carrying a kite, or hold an umbrella when it rains. These features make gameplay more fun and less boring.

In addition, there is also interaction that can be done by two players at once. This allows players to find playmates to create a more lively experience and interact in a different way to other MMORPG games.

4. Real-Time Battle

moonlight blade m
Real-Time Battle

In this game, players will engage in real-time battles and complete various quests that will deepen the stories of the NPCs. In addition, players can also access various battle modes such as PVP, PVE, and Guild.

This game also provides a player-to-player battle system that allows mechanic battles, both locally and with players from abroad. In addition, you should know that this game does not provide an auto feature.

5. Battle Royal Mode

Battle Royal Mode
Battle Royal Mode

In this game, there are various combat features, such as 1vs1, 3vs3, 5vs5, and the most interesting is a special feature called Battle Royale.

This feature allows up to 100 players to fight directly in real time for the Battle Token prize. These Battle Tokens can be exchanged for materials to strengthen player characters.

6. Eye-Pleasing Graphics

moonlight blade m
Eye-Pleasing Graphics

Moonlight Blade M is an MMORPG game that offers a more exciting level of fighting experience than other similar games. One of the interesting features of this game is the Ultra HD graphics that players can set up to 120 FPS, thus providing a more realistic experience to the players.

These are some of the reasons why you should play Moonlight Blade M, a new MMORPG game that was recently released. After reading this article, are you interested in playing this game?

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