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Take a peek at Lunox Legend Skin in Mobile Legends

Skin Legend Lunox is one of the most awaited skins by Mobile Legends game players for release.

Skin Legend Lunox is one of the most eagerly awaited skins by Mobile Legends players. Based on the leaks circulating, this Legend Lunox skin has a very cool look. Of course this is good news for Mobile Legends lovers, especially those who like to play hero Lunox.

The appearance of the Legend Lunox skin itself looks wearing clothes with Japanese style. Then on the back there are two types of objects depicting the sun and the moon.

Lunox itself is a Mobile Legends hero role Mage that is not as popular as other Mages, but is still very usable in Meta. Even Lunox is classified as an Anti Meta hero or a hero that can be played in any Meta.

Lunox Legend Skin

From the leaks, it seems that the costume will adopt a Japanese style by wearing a kimono, and the hair ornament also looks appropriate for the theme. Until now, there has been no Lunox skin with such a theme, although some other heroes already have similar style skins.

Not only the appearance, the release date of this Legend Lunox skin was also leaked. This is certainly good news for those of you who want to get it, because it is not in the Limited event category.

However, you need to remember that this is still a leak and is subject to change. Hopefully, Moonton will actually release it through the Magic Wheel. Because if it becomes Legend Limited, then the price will definitely be more expensive and difficult to get.

Skin Legends Lunox Release Date


Skin Legend Lunox will be officially released to Mobile Legends on June 27, 2023 and players can get it through the Magic Wheel event.

You can get this Legend Lunox skin by doing gacha or exchanging Magic Crystal 1x through the Magic Shop.

You can get 100% sure Magic Crystal by collecting Magic Points in the Magic Wheel event as many as 200 points that you can collect by doing gacha.

Thus the discussion about the appearance of Skin Legend Lunox Mobile Legends so far that we can provide. What do you think about this article? Don’t forget to leave a comment below.

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