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Valorant Agents 2024 Full List

On this occasion, Dafunda will share information about the complete list of Valorant agents from the first release until now.

On this occasion, Dafunda will share information about the complete list of Valorant agents from the first release until now. Since its full release in June 2020, Valorant is now able to compete with other FPS games such as Valve’s CS:GO.

In addition, Valorant has now successfully transformed into one of the best FPS games and become a competitor for other FPS games. The development of this game is also quite rapid both in the world and even the Indonesian region.

Riot Games has managed to create a unique FPS gaming experience with characters that have unique powers. Currently, Valorant has 25 characters or agents available, providing diverse options for Valorant accounts. This number will likely grow over time.

Full List of Valorant 2024 Agents

Here is the complete list of Valorant Agents from the first release to the current 25 agents. These agents have a variety of designs as well as different skills. For more details, here’s the list:

25. Clove

We start with the most recent agent, Clove. This Controller agent from Scotland was released on March 26, 2024. Clove is a smoker with different abilities from other agents.

Clove skill has the ability to change the overall way of playing in the game. This can significantly affect the makeup of teams in the competitive scene.

Clove Skill

  • Pick Me Up (C)
  • Meddle (Q)
  • Ruse (E)
  • Not Dead Yet (X) Ultimate

24. Iso

Furthermore, there is an agent who comes from China, namely Iso. Iso is a new agent who joined the Valorant Protocol. Iso is famous as a man who defeats his enemies with just one bullet. All enemies who see him never survive and return from the mission.

Iso Skill

  • Contingency (C)
  • Undercut (Q)
  • Double Tap (E)
  • Contract (X)

23. Deadlock


An agent by the name of Deadlock is an agent who has the role of Sentinel. He is a Norwegian detective who can deploy a series of cutting-edge nanowires to secure the battlefield from the deadliest attacks.

Deadlock Skill

  • Sonic Sensor (Q)
  • Barrier Mesh (E)
  • Gravnet (C)
  • Annihilation (X)

22. Gekko


Many Valorant players are very fond of Gekko because his playstyle is quite relaxed and doesn’t need to be taken too seriously. Gekko is an agent with the role of Initiator who has the task of finding information using his little friends.

Gekko Skill

  • Dizzy (E)
  • Wingman (Q)
  • Mosh Pit (C)
  • Thrash (X)

21. Harbor


Originally from India, Harbor has quite an interesting set of skills . Harbor works as an ancient artifact hunter along with his team. However, one of the artifacts he encountered chose him. That’s where Harbor got the power to control water.

Harbor Skill

  • High Tide (E)
  • Cove (Q)
  • Cascade (C)
  • Reckoning (X)

20. Fade


This Turkish character is so mysterious that he goes by the nickname The Blackmailer. She is a bounty hunter, who will leave his opponents in the dark, before killing them in the dark.

Armed with a creepy character background, Fade certainly has various skills or abilities in the game to support his creepy aura.

Fade Skill

  • HAUNT (E)
  • SEIZE (Q)
  • NIGHTFALL (X) Ultimate



Hailing from the Philippines, Neon arrived on the VALORANT battlefield in the Episode 4: Disruption update. Neon comes with electrifying abilities. Vanille Velazquez, an experienced voice actor from the Philippines, was chosen to voice Neon.

Neon Skill

  • Relay Bolt (Q)
  • High Gear (E)
  • Fast Lane (C)
  • Overdrive (X) Ultimate

18. Chamber


Known as the French Gunsmith, Chamber is indeed armed with various skills that can represent him. As a ‘Weapons Expert’ he has powerful defense and attack tools.

This interesting agent has a unique ability, Chamber has a skill that can issue pistols and snipers. No need to buy, Chamber can use his skills to issue these two weapons.

Chamber Skill

  • Rendezvous (E)
  • Headhunter (Q)
  • Trademark (C)
  • Tour de Force (X) Ultimate

17. KAY/O


The agent by the name of KAY/O is the only agent in the Valorant game that is different from the others because he is a robot. More interestingly, he even comes from the future. KAY/O is assigned number 17 and plays the role of Initiator in the game.

KAY/O Skill

  • Frag/Ment (C)
  • Flash/Drive (Q)
  • Zero/Point (E)
  • Null/Cmd (X) Ultimate

16. Astra


Originally from Ghana, Astra harnesses the energy of the cosmos (the power of the universe) to change the course of the battlefield. That makes her a good Controller on the team.

With her powers, Astra can control her astral form to strategically read her opponents’ minds, keeping her one step ahead.

Astra Skills

  • Astral Form/Cosmic Divide (X)
  • Gravity Well (C)
  • Nova Pulse (Q)
  • Nebula (E)
  • Dissipate (F)

15. Yoru


Originally from Japan, Yoru has the ability to infiltrate the opponent’s defense without being seen. In order to maximize his task, he is also armed with abilities that can trick opponents. Because of this role, Yoru can finish each of his targets before the opponent realizes his presence.

This agent has dangerous abilities if the user has a high IQ. It has the ability to teleport, create a fake voice, and is able to camouflage so that it is invisible to opponents.

Yoru Skill

  • Fakeout (C)
  • Blindside (Q)
  • Gatecrash (E)
  • Dimensional Drift (X)

14. Skye


This support-type Agent Skye is characterized by having the skill to issue unusual pets, namely beasts. Skye hails from the Nimbin region of Australia. With her impressive development of herding the beasts, she was recruited by the Valorant protocol.

Skye Valorant is an overpowered Support agent with healing abilities that you can combine with Sage, as they have a relationship in the game’s story.

Skye Skill

  • Regrowth (C)
  • Trailblazer (Q)
  • Guiding Light (E)
  • Seekers (X) Ultimate

13. Raze


Originally from Brazil, Raze has the real name Tayane Alves. She has a fascination with paintings and explosive weapons, and that’s what led her to be recruited by Valorant Protocol to become the 12th Agent.

Raze himself is currently the most hated Agent because of his kit. His kit can deal considerable damage to enemies, and can even paralyze opponents with just one attack.

Raze Skill

  • Boom Bot (C)
  • Satchel/Blast Pack (Q)
  • Paint Shells (E)
  • Showstopper (X) Ultimate

12. Omen


When it comes to who is the best controller in Valorant at the moment, Omen should certainly enter the debate as he has a unique skill set and is quite troublesome when on the opposing side.

Omen is one of the agents that is difficult to master compared to other agents in Valorant. Complexskills can actually harm the user and his team.

But if you are an expert in using this one agent, you can be sure that the player will master the map easily. That’s why Omen is one of the best controllers in Valorant.

Omen Skill

  • Shrouded Step (C)
  • Paranoia (Q)
  • Dark Cover (E)
  • From The Shadows (X) Ultimate

11. Reyna


This popular character is famous for her ability to perform barbarian games. Reyna is one of the agenty Valorants who is quite tough and good at bluffing opponents.

His presence sometimes makes the opponent a bit overwhelmed and it is not uncommon to retreat slowly. Her skills and abilities often create epic moments when the match is in progress.

Reyna’s Skill

  • Leer (C)
  • Devour (Q)
  • Invisible Dismiss (E)
  • Empress (X) Ultimate

10. Cypher


Playing the role of a Sentinel, this agent has the ability to dismantle networks that can locate enemies to keep an eye out for dangerous movements. All maneuvers and activities in the game are visible, as Cypher is always watching them.

Real name Aamir, he has a sad background of living in poverty as the resources around his home were wiped out by the Kingdom Corporation.

Cypher Skill

  • Trapwires (C)
  • Cyber Cage (Q)
  • Spycam (E)
  • Neutral Theft (X) Ultimate

9. Jett


Having the real name Joon-Hee, Jeet is a chef at one of the restaurants in the Insa-dong district, Seoul, South Korea. She has an aggressive character and has a sarcastic style of speech as her trademark.

Jett also has a childish nature by always bragging about his achievements when completing missions. Actually, Jett is someone who is friendly to his colleagues at the base.

Jett’s Skill

  • Cloudburst (C)
  • Tailwind (E)
  • Updraft (Q)
  • Blade Storm (X) Ultimate

7. Sage


Hailing from China, Sage plays the role of a sentinel who in high-level battlefields is able to provide peace and security to teammates.

Sage’s unique abilities make her irreplaceable in the team setup, especially in maps that are favorable to the defending side. This agent is also relatively easy to use so it’s perfect for beginners.

Sage Skill

  • Barrier Orb (C)
  • Slow Orb (Q)
  • BHealing Orb (E)
  • Reserrection (X) Ultimate

6. Sova


Just like Cypher, Sova is one of the two information-gathering agents in Valorant, but his gameplay style is also much more aggressive. This Russian agent is capable of locating enemies and also destroying their formations.

Sova’s ultimate skill, Hunter Fury, allows him to shoot laser beams from his bow three times. These laser shots can penetrate walls, while if the target survives, the player will be marked for location and compressed.

If Sova can gather information on where the enemy is, then he can use this ultimate skill to eliminate them. The amazingly long range of the skill can be utilized against opposing snipers.

Sova Skill

  • Owl Drone (C)
  • Shock Bolt (Q)
  • Recon Bolt (E)
  • Hunter’s Fury (X) Ultimate

5. Phoenix


This agent comes from England with the power of fire and Phoenix rays to attack his opponent. This agent is like two blades in control, because it has the power that can burn opponents or its own team.

Phoenix has the visual of a tall, dark-skinned man of African-British descent wearing a long-sleeved shirt covered by his white jacket. He has a sporty and fashionable look with sports shoes and baggy pants.

Phoenix Skill

  • Blaze (C)
  • Curveball (Q)
  • Hot Hands (E)
  • Run It Back (X) Ultimate

4. Killjoy


Having the role of a Sentinel, Killjoy has the ability to guard her own site even without the help of others. When attacking, Killjoy also has the ability to guard the flank so that no enemies appear from behind her.

Killjoy is able to slow down the enemy’s speed to enter the area while providing a Vulnerable effect that can make enemies take additional damage from weapons.

Killjoy Skill

  • Alarmbot (Q)
  • Turret (E)
  • Nanoswarm (C)
  • Lockdown (X) Ultimate

3. Breach


As one of the Valorant Initiator agents, Agent Breach is one of the best choices for you. Breach is a type of initiator that is known for being rough or commonly labeled as a “ruthless initiator” because of his various skills that are quite massive.

Initiator is one of the main roles that must be in your team because of its supportive role in opening and starting wars in the game.

Breach Skill

  • Aftershock (C)
  • Flashpoint (Q)
  • Fault Line (E)
  • Rolling Thunder (X) Ultimate

2. Viper


This agent rarely appears because it is difficult to use. But make no mistake, a skilled Viper user can be more dangerous than any duelist agent. Two of Viper’s skills require resources or power so they must be used efficiently.

Most agents only get one or two slots for their skills, whereas Viper can place as many Toxic Screen and Poison Cloud as she likes. If either of these abilities are active, resources will continue to decrease until the skill is deactivated, and also until Viper runs out of power.

These two skills, as well as the ultimate skill, provide a status effect called Decay. Decay will drain the agent’s health for as long as they are in it.

Viper Skill

  • Snake Bite (C)
  • Poison Cloud (Q)
  • Toxic Screen (E)
  • Viper’s Pit (X)

1. Brimstone


Liam Byrne, also known as Brimstone, is the leader of the Valorant Protocol program. He is the first Agent in the Valorant game, which is evident from his introduction as Agent No.1. In addition, he is also the co-founder of Valorant Protocol, which he founded alongside Viper.

Brimstone founded the Valorant Protocol and became the first Agent and leader of the program. He used the name Brimstone as a pseudonym, and led the other Agents who joined the Valorant Protocol.

Brimstone Skill

  • Stim Beacon (C)
  • Incendiary (Q)
  • Sky Smoke (E)
  • Orbital Strike (X) Ultimate

That’s the complete list of Valorant agents from the first to the present. This number will certainly continue to grow considering that Valorant has now been transformed into an FPS game with significant popularity.

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