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6 Christmas Movie Recommendations for 2023, Comedy to Horror!

Do you have any plans for your year-end vacation? If not, we have 6 recommendations for the latest Christmas movie in 2023.

Here are six recommended new Christmas movie of 2023, ranging from comedy to horror.

Christmas is one of the most anticipated times for many people. Apart from gathering with family and friends, watching Christmas movies can also be a great way to celebrate this special day.

What’s more, in 2023, there are many new Christmas movies ready to entertain audiences at home with a variety of genres, from romantic comedy to horror.

Starting from the story of rivalry between old friends in the movie Best. Christmas. Ever! (2023) to the terror of a psychopath on Christmas Eve in It’s a Wonderful Knife (2023), they are all well worth your time.

Christmas Movie Recommendations 2023


1. Best. Christmas. Ever! 

The first new Christmas movie recommendation is Best. Christmas. Ever!. Tells the story of two best friends who have been competing since they were in college, namely Charlotte (Heather Graham) and Jackie (Brandy Norwood).

Every year, Jackie would send Christmas cards that told stories of her perfect life. This made Charlotte feel jealous and insecure. One day, due to circumstances, Charlotte and her family have to stay at Jackie’s mansion.

Charlotte seizes the opportunity to uncover the secret behind Jackie’s seemingly perfect life. However, her efforts almost ruin Christmas for both families. Can Charlotte and Jackie make peace and celebrate Christmas together?

2. Dashing Through the Snow 

Tim Story’s movie follows Eddie Garrick, a social worker who has a childhood trauma that makes him dislike Christmas. One night, while celebrating Christmas with his daughter, Charlotte, Eddie met a man claiming to be Santa Claus.

A man named Nick is being chased by three men who are underlings of a corrupt politician named Conrad Harf. Inevitably, Eddie and Charlotte get involved in Nick’s adventure which is full of surprises and chaos.

Dashing Through the Snow is perfect for you to make the latest Christmas movie recommendation in 2023.

3. Genie

If you’ve missed Melissa McCarthy’s hilarious turn in a comedy movie, you have to see her as Flora. Flora is a genie who has been trapped in a bottle for thousands of years. The Genie movie is written by Richard Curtis (Love Actually, About Time).

The movie tells the story of Flora, who tries to fulfill three wishes from Bernard. Bernard discovers an antique bottle that holds him captive, and Flora must face many challenges in her struggle.

Aside from having to adapt to a modern world that is alien to her and often chaotic, Flora also has to fight off the efforts of Bernard’s boss, Flaxman, who wants to seize the bottle.

4. Family Switch

Family Switch is one of the latest Christmas movie recommendations that features four famous actors. They are Jennifer Garner, Ed Helms, Emma Myers, and Brady Noon.

The story is about the Walker family who experience strange events after meeting an astrology reader, Angelica (Rita Moreno), at a party. The next day, they are surprised to learn that their souls have been swapped with each other.

Jess, the mother, and Bill, the father, are suddenly trapped in the bodies of their children. Jess is in the body of CC, her daughter, while Bill is in the body of Wyatt, his son. They try to adjust to the new situation and find a way to get back into their own bodies. The story is exciting and intriguing!

5. Candy Cane Lane

The next new Christmas movie is Candy Cane Lane. This movie is a collaboration between director Reginald Hudlin and Eddie Murphy after Boomerang (1992). The story is about the Carver family who experience hilarious events in their attempt to win the best Christmas house decoration contest in their neighborhood.

Chris (Murphy), desperate to win, accidentally makes a deal with a fairy named Pepper (Jillian Bell) to make his home decorations come alive. However, unbeknownst to him, Pepper was actually an evil fairy who had previously made a similar deal with someone else.

Every victim that falls into her hands ends up as a plastic doll. With the help of his family, Chris struggles to stop Pepper’s evil plan before it’s too late.

6. It’s a Wonderful Knife

If you’re tired of the same old Christmas movies and want to experience a little bit of horror, It’s a Wonderful Knife is the perfect choice.

The story is about a girl named Winnie Carruthers (Jane Widdop), who managed to save the town of Angel Falls from a serial killer on Christmas Eve one year earlier.

After the incident, she felt she had lost her way in life. A sense of being disrespected by her family and friends enveloped her. In her wish to never have been born, Winnie was lost in a terrifying parallel world, where her existence never existed.

In Winnie’s absence, the serial killer returns to action and kills many people in the city. To stop him, Winnie must work with the people in that dimension. She tries to find out who the killer is and hopes to return to her world.

Those are the recommended Christmas 2023 movies from various genres that you can choose according to your taste. Do you want to feel the warmth of Christmas, get a thrill of horror, or be entertained with a fun family adventure? These movies will give you an unforgettable experience.

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