In the latest DC Universe movie titled Superman: Legacy, Green Lantern (Nathan Fillion) will not be wearing a costume made from CGI technology.
Recently, James Gunn answered a fan’s question on his Threads account regarding whether or not Green Lantern will use CGI effects.
Gunn revealed that he doesn’t see the need to use CGI in the live action version of Guy Gardner, who is Green Lantern’s alter-ego. For him, CGI technology will only be used if the character is completely computer-generated.
This may refer to the previous debate about the superhero’s costume in the 2011 movie. In which Ryan Reynolds and other superhero characters wore fully CGI costumes.
The costumes in the movie came under scrutiny for looking unnatural and visually unsuccessful. Since the movie also had poor visuals, it was no surprise that Green Lantern (2011) failed at the box office.
The movie is so bad that it is often the subject of memes. Even Ryan Reynolds, who also played a role in the movie, made fun of the movie. Therefore, James Gunn does not want to repeat the same thing.
Green Lantern in Superman: Legacy
Nathan Fillion has been confirmed to play Guy Gardner and will appear in Superman: Legacy. James Gunn also confirmed that Fillion will play Green Lantern in the upcoming DCU series Lanterns.
This series is one of the five series included in Chapter One: God and Monsters. Chapter One: God and Monsters will be the first phase of the DC project led by Gunn and Peter Safran since last January.
With Nathan Fillion portraying the role not only in Superman: Legacy, but also in his upcoming solo series, fans can expect to see a more authentic Green Lantern journey that fits the new vision of the DC Universe. What do you think about this news?