Doctor Strange vs Doctor Fate, Who Would Win if They Fought?

Hello DC and Marvel fans, you must be curious if Doctro Strange vs Doctor Fate, who will win? here's the full discussion below.

A few days ago the DC Universe released their latest film, Black Adam. The film not only introduced a villain named Black Adam, but paved the way for other superheroes to shine like Doctor Fate. Speaking of Doctor Fate, you would want to know if Doctor Strange vs Doctor Fate, who would win.

For those of you who don’t know, Doctor Fate is one of DC’s superheroes who uses magic as her main power. Meanwhile, Doctor Strange is one of Marvel’s superheroes who also uses magic as his main power.

Here’s the Doctor Strange vs Doctor Fate Discussion

If Doctor Strange fought with Doctor Fate, who would win? Here’s the full discussion below.

1. Doctor Strange holds his own against Thanos and Scarlet Witch

Doctor Strange stands his ground against Thanos and Scarlet Witch
Doctor Strange Resists When Fighting Thanos And Scarlet Witch | Marvel Studios

First we will discuss Doctor Strange, so Stephen Strange is a magician who can make Thanos sweat. In addition, Doctor Strange is also an expert in using various magical artifacts such as the Cloak of Levitation and Time Stone through the Eye of Agamotto.

Even though he had lost the Time Stone, Strange was able to keep a bit of Dark Dimension Magic inside the artifact. Her skill in using the Mystic Arts is so extensive that she can match Scarlet Witch’s power, and can even defeat her own Darkhold.

Seeing this explanation, we can conclude that Doctor Strange has various kinds of magic. Because of his vast knowledge of magic, Doctor Strange can deal with God-like beings.

But he can still lose because Strange is still basically human. We can see this from how Dormammu can kill Strange easily, but fortunately Strange has prepared a spell beforehand, so he can come back to life.

2. Doctor Fate can hold off Black Adam and Sabbac

Doctor Fate can hold off Black Adam and Sabbac
Doctor Fate can hold off Black Adam and Sabbac | Warner Bros

Next, we will talk about Doctor Fate. During the battle with Black Adam, Doctor Fate displayed her incredible reflexes, such as blocking Black Adam’s attacks and creating the illusion of Kahndaq to distract Black Adam.

You could say that Doctor Fate is the only member of the Justice Society of America who holds back when fighting Black Adam. Then when fighting Sabbac, Doctor Fate can trap the demon in a horde of magical clones while projecting onto Black Adam.

From this explanation, we can conclude that Doctor Fate is physically superior and faster in casting spells.

3. Who has the Upper Hand?

Who has the upper hand?
Who has the upper hand? | wegotthiscovered.com

So who has the upper hand? Comparatively, Strange might be able to trap Fate in the Mirror Dimension or use a portal. However, Fate can return by teleporting. Fate’s teleportation seemed to be much faster than Strange’s portal.

If Strange uses his cloning spell, then Fate can also use clones, especially since Fate’s clone seems to be stronger than Strange’s, because Fate’s clone can withstand Black Adam and Sabbac.

However, Strange can use the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak to restrain Fate and use the Cloak of Levitation to remove Fate’s helmet. But Fate also has a magic cloak with the same properties as Strange’s.

Strange can use a lot of magic, but Fate, who has only appeared once, feels like she has more experience than Strange because of her long life. Although Marvel fans think Strange can hold Thanos, Strange only focuses on holding one enemy, unlike Fate who holds two enemies.

That’s the discussion about Doctor Strange vs Doctor Fate. After reading this article, what do you think if they both fight, who will win or who is superior? Then don’t forget to always visit Dafunda.

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