The final movie in the Fast & Furious series, Fast Furious 11, seems to have an earlier release date than previously predicted. At the CCXP MX event moderated by Collider’s Steve Weintraub, Louis Leterrier, who directed Fast X, shared details regarding the progress of Fast Furious 11 in the Fast & Furious series.
“It will happen. Very, very soon. I will start shooting a small horror movie this summer. I will finish my horror movie on September 15, and I will start (developing) Fast on September 16.”
Fast Furious 11 has an early release date of 2026
When Weintraub asked for more details, Leterrier explained that filming is expected to start early next year. He also revealed the release date for Fast Furious 11 as planned.
“The movie will be filmed early next year, and will be released in 2026, which is 25 years since the first movie was released.”
Leterrier also shared some interesting details about the setting that Fast Furious 11 uses. He revealed that the final movie will return to Los Angeles, the location of the first Fast and Furious movie.
It was a move to pay tribute to the franchise’s roots and a way to end the saga where it all began. Leterrier expressed his happiness at the decision, emphasizing how important it was for the franchise to return to its original “home”.
“That’s what we want to do. We wanted to bring it back home, and still have a big journey to tell.” Fast X brings Dom and his crew into a showdown with their craziest foe so far – Dante (Jason Momoa). Dante is out of control, full of vengeance, and happens to be the son of Hernan Reyes, a drug lord conquered by Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) in Fast Five.
Dante appears as a new character and has never been present before in the Fast series. This action-packed, car-fighting story features Dante finally defeating Dom, at least temporarily.
At the end of the story, we see Dom trying to protect his son from Dante’s threat to erase them. For the fans, let’s wait for the next news about the last project of Fast and Furious.