Grant Gustin (Glee), will appear in The Flash (2023)? Here is the actor’s response to The Flash (2014-2023).
2 years ago, I reported on the question of whether Grant Gustin would appear in The Flash DCEU movie. And at that time, just like the movie, Gustin’s involvement was still unclear.
Grant Gustin in The Flash Movie?
But now 2 years later, the status of the movie is very clear. Alias, the movie starring Ezra Miller as Barry Allen aka The Flash, will definitely be released. The Flash, which is directed by Andy Muschietti (It), will originally be shown in cinemas around the world on June 16, 2023.
Well based on this statement, of course now we hope that the status of Grant Gustin’s involvement in The Flash will be clear too. Then what is his status?
Not Appearing in the Movie
When recently asked again about this in an interview with TVLine, Gustin said that he was aware that he had heard rumors about this for a long time.
However, he says with confidence that he will not be appearing in The Flash. Gustin even said that his statement is legit. That is, he’s not keeping any big secrets.
Yes indeed, guys, the 33-year-old actor from Norfolk, Virginia, U.S.A.’s statement seems legit. But at the same time as we know, he could also be doing his Oscar-class acting in the interview.
Alias, Gustin will indeed appear as a cameo in The Flash movie. But let’s see what happens next.
Should Appear Once Again as Barry Allen aka The Flash
Personally, I think Gustin should appear once again as Barry Allen aka The Flash universe of the CW series aka Earth-1. Why is that? First, this is because Ezra himself has already appeared as The Flash (as a cameo) in the Arrowverse cross-over episode, Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part 4 (2020).
Secondly, as we know The Flash Season 9 (2023), which is currently airing, will be the last season of this series. So it wouldn’t hurt if he also appeared in the DCEU’s big screen movie? Count on it to say goodbye.
Third, who wouldn’t want to see Gustin and Ezra interact again for most likely the last time?
But again, these are all just my subjective desires. For more details, once again let’s wait and see in June.