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Henry Cavill as Wolverine Variant in Deapool 3?

After previously being rumored to be Captain Britain in Deadpool 3, there are now rumors that Henry Cavill will be a variant of Wolverine.

Henry Cavill will reportedly appear as one version of Wolverine in Deadpool 3, which opens this July.

One of the rumors that fans are currently talking about is the possible presence of Henry Cavill in the project. There are two interesting rumors related to Henry Cavill that have emerged.

Henry Cavill’s Wolverine in Deadpool 3 is a New Original Character

Henry Cavill wolverine deadpool 3
Henry Cavill wolverine deadpool 3

Previously, many fans speculated that Henry Cavill would play the role of Captain Britain in Deadpool 3.

However, recent news indicates that the actor may not be playing Captain Britain. This latest news comes from the GiantFreakingRobot website, which mentions that Henry Cavill might be playing a different version of Wolverine.

According to the report, the version of Wolverine that Cavill will be portraying wears a long brown cape and is an original character as it is the first time he has appeared in the Marvel universe.

However, it is possible that this Wolverine variant will only appear once and Cavill could appear in the future as Captain Britain. In a Deadpool and Wolverine story that involves a messy universe, nothing is impossible if multiple characters appear.

A character that might make an appearance is another version of Wolverine. Previously, fans have also seen a big surprise where Ryan Reynolds will play one of the other versions of Deadpool.

In a photo leaked some time ago, Ryan Reynolds was seen wearing a long hair wig that resembles a Samurai figure.

Henry Cavill’s presence as a Wolverine variant in Marvel movies might be a great contribution to the MCU.

Currently, Marvel Studios is facing a difficult situation after experiencing losses and negative criticism regarding their movie projects. Therefore, Henry Cavill’s presence might help to repair their reputation.

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