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Ice Cold: Murder, Coffee and Jessica Wongso Movie Synopsis, Cyanide Case Documentary!

Ice Cold: Murder, Coffee and Jessica Wongso movie synopsis. Want to know the storyline like? Just check here.

Ice Cold: Murder, Coffee and Jessica Wongso, for those of you who don’t know this movie is a documentary based on the 2016 cyanide coffee murder case. In the movie, it will review various unanswered questions about the trial. For those of you who want to know the storyline. Check the synopsis of the movie Ice Cold: Murder, Coffee and Jessica Wongso below.

The movie is an Indonesia 2023 documentary directed by Rob Sixsmith, and aired on Netflix.

Cyanide Coffee Case Documentary Movie Synopsis

This documentary will show the journey of the cyanide coffee case that was busy in 2016. Showing live and exclusive interviews with Jessica Wongso, as well as several other sources, namely Mirna’s father, twin sister, Jessica’s lawyer, and journalists who explored the case.

ice-cold-murder-coffee-and-jessica-wongso | Netflix

In addition to showing interviews with Jessica Wongso and the interviewees, this documentary will reveal a number of facts that are unknown to the public. Among them are Jessica’s emotional side, the opinions of Jessica’s lawyer and Mirna’s lawyer.

There will also be various contradictory opinions that raise more and more questions about the case. Until the irregularities arose when conducting an interview with Jessica Wongso, where the interview was stopped by the police for unclear reasons.

For those of you who want to watch this movie, you can watch it on Netflix. Apart from Netflix, you can also watch this movie on other viewing platforms. This movie has a duration of 1 hour 26 minutes.

The characters in the movie Ice Cold: Murder, Coffee and Jessica Wongso are:

  • Jessica Wongso
  • Otto Hasibuan
  • Krishna Murti
  • Dale
  • Fristian Griec
  • Edi Darmawan Salihin
  • Made Sandy Salihin
  • Mirna Salihin
  • Jaja
  • Timothy Marbun

This is the synopsis of the movie Ice Cold: Murder, Coffee and Jessica Wongso. After reading this article and knowing the storyline, are you interested in watching this movie? Don’t forget to keep visiting Dafunda.

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