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Is Mister Sinister the Villain in the New X-Men Movie?

Kevin Feige reportedly wants to develop a new X-Men movie with Mister Sinister as the main villain.

Is Mister Sinister the villain in the latest X-Men movie?

Since 2000, when the first X-Men movie was released, there have been more than twelve other X-Men movies that followed. In 2020, the last movie, The New Mutants, was also released.

For the past three years, fans have been waiting for a new movie from these mutants. Reportedly, there is currently a new X-Men movie in development that will feature a new supervillain. Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios, reportedly wants to make a new X-Men movie with a different concept, focusing more on the female team members.

It’s not Magneto, but Mister Sinister who is the main villain of X-Men

Sins Of Sinister - Dominion 1 Cover Art By Leinil Francis Yu And Jesus Aburtov
Sins Of Sinister – Dominion 1 Cover Art By Leinil Francis Yu And Jesus Aburtov

Although no script has been written yet, executives have started discussing with writers to come up with new ideas that will bring back these mutants. Reportedly, the main villain that will appear is not Magneto, but the character Mister Sinister.

Mister Sinister first appeared in Uncanny X-Men comic #221 in 1987. As a mutant who was genetically altered by Apocalypse, Mister Sinister has extraordinary powers and abilities.

Mister Sinister has the ability to live for centuries, control the cells of his body, and manipulate genetics. However, there is no further information about the movie at this time. The storyline of the movie is also uncertain. Perhaps the story will evolve along with the script writing process.

Latest X-Men Movie News Still Awaiting Further Developments

Information about the latest X-Men movie from Marvel Studios is still not confirmed in detail. However, it is rumored that the official announcement regarding this film will be Marvel delivered in early 2024.

Kevin Feige, the head of Marvel Studios, had previously discussed the future of the X-Men when he walked the red carpet at The Marvels movie premiere in Las Vegas. There has been much speculation about how Marvel Studios will incorporate the X-Men into the Marvel Cinematic Universe after Disney acquired 20th Century Fox.

Feige hinted at the mutants’ arrival to the MCU by saying that fans will see them soon. Not long after that, there was a credits scene of The Marvels movie featuring Kelsey Grammer as Beast, who is also part of the X-Men. We can be sure that the future of the X-Men in the MCU is wide open.

Members of the X-Men have been appearing in the MCU one by one, such as Logan and Beast. We’ll just have to wait to see them fully emerge and join the other heroes.

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