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6 MCU Villains Who Were Once Heroes

Hello Marvel fans, this time we will discuss MCU villains who were once heroes. Who are they? You can see the list below.

It doesn’t feel like the MCU has been running for a very long time. Over the years MCU has released many films and in every film they produce there must be a villain character. Speaking of supervillains in the Marvel Universe, this time we will discuss MCU villains who were once heroes.

Villains are the main antagonist characters in fictional stories such as movies or series. The character is portrayed as an evil figure who has a desire to rule the world by destroying it.

MCU Villains Who Were Once Heroes

So who are the villains in Marvel who have become heroes? For those of you who are curious, you can see the list below.

1. Yondu

Yondu | Marvel Studios

The first MCU villain is Yondu. For those of you Guardians of The Galaxy fans, you must know the figure of Yondu, for those of you who have forgotten, Yondu is a figure who raised Quill when Quill left Earth.

At the beginning of the story Yondu was portrayed as a villain, because in the first film he planned to seize the Power Orb from GOTG. But at the end of the second film, he changed from a villain to a hero against Ego.

2. Loki

Loki | Marvel Studios

The next MCU villain is Loki. As Marvel fans, you must be familiar with this character. Loki is often described as a villain who always disturbs Thor and other Avengers members.

But over time, Loki became an anti-hero and sometimes he also became a hero and helped superheroes. In the Loki series, he started to become a good person and even prevented bad things from happening.

3. Ghost

Ghost | Marvel Studios

The next MCU villain is Ghost. For those of you who have forgotten, Ghost is a villain who appeared in the movie Ant-Man and the Wasp. It is said that he needs a Quantum tunnel to save his life.

But his actions nearly killed Janet van Dyne. But towards the end of the movie, Ghost becomes an ally of Ant-man. Interestingly, Ghost’s kindness continued until he joined Thunderbolt.

4. Nebula

Nebula | Marvel Studios

Then there is Nebula, this character is one of the members of the Guardians of The Galaxy. But before joining the group, she was part of Thanos’ army. This is quite natural because Nebula is Thanos’ child.

When she was still part of Thanos’ army, this Nebula was very cruel. She didn’t hesitate to kill people who got in her way. But over time, she began to change and is now part of the Guardians of The Galaxy.

5. Skurge

Skurge | Marvel Studios

The next MCU villain is Skurge. Maybe many of you don’t remember who Skurge is, according to the story he is an Asgardian who sides with Hela to avoid death.

But after taking Hela to the place where she raised her army, Skurge began to change his mind about his betrayal of Asgardian. Until in the end Skurge, who initially sided with Hela, sided with the Asgardians.

6. Thanos

Thanos | Marvel Studios

The last villain is Thanos. As we know, Thanos is a very iconic supervillain who is the rival of the Avengers. As a villain, Thanos does not hesitate to kill, even he once eliminated half the population in the universe.

But in the What If…? series, Thanos had no intention of committing genocide after Star Lord’s version of T’Challa managed to convince him. And since then Thanos has been part of the Guardians of The Galaxy.

That’s the list of MCU villains who have become heroes. After reading this article and seeing the list, who do you think is more suitable to be a superhero? Don’t forget to keep visiting Dafunda.

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