International FilmsMoviesMovies List

7 Most Oscar Winning Movies to Date!

Here are the 7 most Oscar winning movies of all time to date. What are these movies? Check out the article below!

The following movies have won the most Oscars in history to date. Since its inception in 1929, the Oscar trophy has become an annual tradition that aims to honor film activists, both in the field of acting and film production.

There are several movies that have won the most Oscars to date. Want to know what are the movies? Come on, immediately see the review below.

List of the most Oscar Winning movies in history

7. The English Patient


By combining the epic romance genre with war drama, The English Patient easily caught the attention of the Oscar jury.

Adapted from a novel by Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient invites viewers to follow the love story of a war survivor and his past love.

From a total of 12 nominations received, The English Patient managed to become a film that won nine Oscar trophies. Here are the categories they won:

  1. Best Picture,
  2. Best Director,
  3. Best Supporting Actress,
  4. Best Cinematography,
  5. Best Set Decoration,
  6. Best Costume Design,
  7. Best Editing,
  8. Best Original Score, dan juga
  9. Best Original Sound.

6. Gigi (1958)


The next most Oscar winning movies is Gigi. The film adapted the novel of the same name by Colette, working with musicians Frederick Loewe and André Previn to create the music and soundtrack for director Vincente Minnelli’s film.

Gigi achieved great success by winning nine Oscar nominations. Here are some of them:

  1. Best Picture,
  2. Best Director,
  3. Best Adapted Screenplay,
  4. Best Cinematography (Color),
  5. Best Set Decoration,
  6. Best Costume Design,
  7. Best Editing,
  8. Best Original Score, dan juga
  9. Best Original Song.

5. The Last Emperor


In The Last Emperor, Bernardo Bertolucci shows his dedication as a director by adapting the biography From Emperor to Citizen: The Autobiography of Aisin-Gioro Pu Yi.

He managed to combine authentic visual and musical craftsmanship with a strong story in this movie.

The success of this movie can be seen from the number of nominations they managed to win, this movie managed to win all 9 Oscar nominations.

  1. Best Picture,
  2. Best Director,
  3. Best Adapted Screenplay,
  4. Best Set Decoration,
  5. Best Costume Design,
  6. Best Editing,
  7. Best Original Score, dan juga
  8. Best Original Sound.

4. West Side Story


The next most Oscar-winning movie is West Side Story which was released in 1961. West Side Story is a modernized version of William Shakespeare’s classic Romeo & Juliet story.

Through the direction of Jerome Robbins and Robert Wise, West Side Story brings a breath of fresh air through its musical settings set in New York.

Like Ben-Hur, West Side Story would have won clearly if it hadn’t lost in the Best Adapted Screenplay category. Out of a total of 11 nominations, the movie managed to win ten Oscars.

  1. Best Picture,
  2. Best Director,
  3. Best Supporting Actor,
  4. Best Actress,
  5. Best Cinematography (Color),
  6. Best Set Decoration (Color),
  7. Best Costume Design (Color),
  8. Best Editing,
  9. Best Original Score, dan juga
  10. Best Original Sound.

3. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King


Next comes the conclusion of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The movie adaptation of the novel of the same name by J.R.R Tolkien was dominant and won hands down at the 2004 Oscars.

Out of a total of 11 nominations, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King took home 11 Oscar awards.

  1. Best Picture,
  2. Best Director,
  3. Best Adapted Screenplay,
  4. Best Editing,
  5. Best Set Decoration,
  6. Best Costume Design,
  7. Best Makeup,
  8. Best Original Score,
  9. Best Original Song,
  10. Best Sound Mixing, dan juga
  11. Best Visual Effects.

2. Ben-Hur (1959)


The film, directed by William Wyler, was one of the most ambitious Hollywood films at the time. Ben-Hur was also adapted from a novel, Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ by Lew Wallace.

Very high production costs were incurred to create an extraordinary experience through the use of magnificent sets and authentic costumes. Ben-Hur deserves all the accolades it gets, especially from the movie industry.

Despite getting 12 nominations, Ben-Hur did not manage to dominate all of them, as it had to accept defeat in the Best Adapted Screenplay category. However, Ben-Hur still managed to win the most number of Oscar trophies, namely 11 awards.

  1. Best Picture,
  2. Best Director,
  3. Best Actor,
  4. Best Supporting Actor,
  5. Best Cinematography (Color),
  6. Best Set Decoration (Color),
  7. Best Costume Design (Color),
  8. Best Editing,
  9. Best Original Score,
  10. Best Sound, dan juga
  11. Best Special Effects.

1. Titanic


The next most Oscar-winning movie on this list is of course Titanic. No one can resist the charm of a love story that ends tragically with the sinking of the Titanic.

Director James Cameron’s movie was well received by critics and earned high revenues. This makes it one of the highest-grossing movies in history.

With 14 nominations, Titanic won 11 Oscars.

  1. Best Picture,
  2. Best Director,
  3. Best Cinematography,
  4. Best Set Decoration,
  5. Best Costume Design,
  6. Best Editing,
  7. Best Original Score,
  8. Best Original Song,
  9. Best Sound,
  10. Effects Editing, dan juga
  11. Best Visual Effects.

those are the most Oscar Winning Movies to date. Which movie is your favorite? Comment below.

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