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5 Reasons Why Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania is Considered a Bad Movie

Hello MCU fans, this time we will discuss why Ant-Man Quantumania is considered a bad movie. Want to know? check here.

Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania is the first phase 5 film of the MCU which was released on February 15, 2023. Given that this film is the first film for phase 5 of the MCU and presents super villain Kang the Conqueror, of course many fans are looking forward to it. But unfortunately when this movie was released, it was far beyond the expectations of fans and made many people disappointed. Therefore, this time we will discuss why Ant-Man Quantumania is considered a bad movie.

Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania is Ant-Man’s third solo movie that tells the story of Scott Lang adventures in the Quantum Realm. There they meet Kang the Conqueror and try to keep Kang from leaving the Quantum Realm.

Why Ant-Man Quantumania is Considered a Bad Movie

For those of you who haven’t watched the movie, you must be wondering why this film is considered the worst MCU film even though it presents the biggest villain of the Multiverse. For those of you who want to know, you can see the explanation below.

1. Visual Effects Are Lacking

Ant-Man Quantumania is a Bad Movie
Visual Effects Are Lacking | Marvel Studio

The first reason is because of the lack of visual effects. So the movie Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania takes place in the Quantum Realm, a fictional universe in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Because of this, of course, it is certain that almost 90% of the films use CGI for their fictional settings. Knowing this, of course we as viewers expect visual effects that spoil the eyes.

What’s more, this movie is an MCU movie where the franchise is very well known. But unfortunately what we expect is not appropriate, maybe at the beginning of the movie the visuals are indeed good, but as the story progresses, the effect begins to decline not as good as at the beginning.

2. Main Character Lacks Spotlight

Main Character Lacks Spotlight
Main Character Lacks Spotlight | Marvel Studio

The next reason is because the main character doesn’t get enough attention. As the name implies, the main character in this movie is Scott Lang or Ant-Man, but unfortunately throughout the story the main character in this movie doesn’t get the spotlight.

The movie instead highlights Cassie Lang and Kang the Conqueror more often, it is possible that this movie wants to introduce the two new characters. But because the main character is less highlighted, fans are disappointed because the content of the story doesn’t match the title of the movie.

3. Scott Lang and Cassie Lang’s Relationship Is Less Intense

Ant-Man Quantumania is a Bad Movie
Scott Lang and Cassie Lang’s Relationship Is Less Intimate | Marvel Studio

The next reason is the lack of a close relationship between Scott Lang and Cassie Lang. As we know Scott Lang is a father who loves his daughter very much, he wants to spend time with his daughter. Because previously the time he had was used to save the world.

Actually, Scott and Cassie’s relationship in the first and second movies felt very close, but in the third movie it felt less. Maybe the reason is because of the change in the actor who plays Cassie Lang. Although in the movie Endgame the actor Cassie Lang was also replaced, the chemistry is still better than with the current actor Cassie Lang.

4. Less Memorable New Characters

Karakter Baru yang Kurang Berkesan
Less Memorable New Characters | Marvel Studio

Then the new characters are less memorable. Considering Ant-Man Quantumania is the opening film for phase 5, of course the MCU wants to introduce new characters in it such as Kang the Conqueror, Lord Krylar, Jentorra, Quaz, Veb and M.O.D.O.K.

Other than Kang the Conqueror, the new characters did not leave an impression on the audience. The reason is because their involvement in the storyline is not that important. Even though these characters use famous actors.

5. Doesn’t Show Kang’s Horror

Doesn't Show Kang's Horror
Doesn’t Show Kang’s Horror | Marvel Studio

The last reason is that it doesn’t show Kang’s horror. As we know Kang the Conqueror is the biggest villain of the Multiverse. Even in the Ant-Man Quantumania movie, Scott Lang tried hard to keep Kang from leaving the Quantum Realm because he knew how terrible Kang was.

But unfortunately Kang’s horror is just a hatch of the story, he is told to have defeated many Avengers until he forgot how many Avengers he had defeated. But unfortunately Kang’s horror is not shown, it’s just a story. And that’s what makes fans disappointed after seeing this movie.

These are some of the reasons why Ant-Man Quantumania is considered a bad movie. After reading this article, according to those of you who have watched the movie, is the movie that bad or not?

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