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10 Best Recommended Survival Movies to Watch

Recommended movies with the theme of survival, exciting and also tense. What movies are there? Check the list right here.

In the movie industry, there are various genres and storylines to be found. Some of these storylines come from imagination, while others are based on true stories. One of the interesting storylines is the theme of survival that is often raised in movies. Therefore, this time Dafunda will share recommendations for a tense Survival movies.

Movies with a survival theme usually tell the story of a situation where the main character must survive in very difficult conditions, such as being stranded on a desert island, facing a natural disaster, or being trapped in the middle of the wilderness.

Here are Survival Movies Recommendations

The stories in these movies can be based on true stories or the results of the author’s imagination. Here are some movie recommendations with a survival theme that you can see.

1. July 22


This movie is a film inspired by the acts of terrorism that occurred in Norway on July 22 in 2012 where many lives were lost in the incident. In this movie, it is told that there is a man named Anders Behring Breivik who bombed a building.

Anders Behring Breivik was a right-wing fanatic and a very anti-Muslim figure. In the attack he launched, at least 77 people died and 300 others were injured. Not only stopping there, Breivik also shot at people who were camping.

2. Togo


This movie tells the story of a seppa and his sled dog named Togo who were brought to Nome and had to go through harsh conditions during the Diphtheria Epidemic. They both fought against blizzards to deliver a serum to cure the Diphtheria Pandemic that occurred in 1925. Even in the real world, Togo is recognized as a hero today.

3. Against the Ice


The movie begins when Ejnar Mikkelsen, a polar explorer, goes on an expedition to Greendland to find the truth about the missing Greendland map. On his mission, he is accompanied by his friend Nikolai Coster Waldau.

They are both determined and struggling to get what they expect in their mission even though it turns out that to survive there they have to go through various extreme conditions and also terrain that is so difficult to travel.

4. Ready Or Not


The movie focuses on a story that takes place within the Le Domas family. The Le Domas family is a family that is very wealthy because they worship the devil which makes them have rituals that they have done for generations.

This ritual is performed to welcome a new member of their family who has just married. This ritual contains elements of a hide-and-seek game but with their lives at stake. Grace, who has just become the legal wife of Alex Le Domas, did not expect that she would have to deal with such a terrible thing.

5. Life of Pi


It tells the story of a teenager from India named Pi. Pi is a teenager who is currently on a ship that has been tossed around on a vast ocean for months.

Not alone, he had a Bengali tiger by his side as his entire family had drowned in the storm that hit them earlier. In the midst of Pi’s hunger, he also had to feed the tiger that was with him at the moment. If not, then he would be the tiger’s meal.

6. The Revenant


This movie tells the story of Hugh Glass who is a guide who is attacked one day by a grizzly bear. On the other hand, Captain Henry, who felt that Glass would not survive, gave an order to someone to accompany Glass until Glass was really dead. This is of course accompanied by the lure of certain prizes.

Then there is one person named Fitzgerald who cannot wait for Glass’s death and prefers to bury Glass alive. Glass, who was treated like that, struggled desperately to survive while thinking of ways to take revenge.

7. The Kashmir Files


The movie tells the story of a group of refugees from Pandhit Kashmir’s struggle for survival. They experience a horrific event that impacts them emotionally and leaves them deeply traumatized.

8. No Exit


This movie is an adaptation of a bestselling novel by Taylor Adams. The movie tells the story of Darby who is trapped in the middle of a snowstorm to meet his mother who is sick at the time.

On the way, Darby took refuge in a house with other strangers to avoid the emergency that cut off all communication.

9. Dune


The movie tells the story of Paul Atreides who is a smart and talented young man born into a great destiny that is beyond his understanding. He must travel to the most dangerous planet in the universe to ensure his future.

10. Hacksaw Ridge


This movie tells the story of Doss, who was a devout Christian but had to fight in World War II. Doss is very reluctant to kill, hold weapons or hurt others even to opponents. Until finally their troops were pushed back and Doss had to make a decision so that he could survive.

Those are some movie recommendations with the theme of Survival. After reading this article and seeing the list, which movie do you think has a very thrilling story?

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