
7 Recommendations for Song Hye-Kyo’s Best Movies and Drama

Hello Korean drama fans, this time Dafunda will share recommendations for the best movie and drama starring Song Hye-Kyo. Curious?

Song Hye-Kyo initially debuted as a school uniform model at the age of 14. Song Hye-Kyo then added her career to acting. Having a very beautiful face and very stunning acting made her win awards from several prestigious awards shows. Therefore, this time Dafunda will share recommendations for Song Hye-Kyo movie and drama.

Korean dramas are one of the popular cultural phenomena that dominate the entertainment industry in the world today. Also known as K-drama, these South Korean dramas have managed to attract the attention of many viewers from all over the world. Korean dramas are characterized by interesting stories, strong characters, and stunning acting by actors and actresses.

Here are the Korean Movies and Dramas Starring Song Hye-Kyo

The following is a list of Korean movie and drama that Song Hye-Kyo has starred in.

1. Descendants of the Sun


In the drama, Song Hye-Kyo plays the character of Dr. Mo-Yeon, a doctor in the emergency department of a hospital. At that time, she met Shi-Jin, a soldier, when Shi-Jin was retrieving his stolen cell phone. The love affair between them started from that meeting.

2. Full House

Song Hye-Kyo movie and drama

In this drama, Song Hye-Kyo plays the character of Han Ji-Eun, an ordinary girl who unexpectedly meets a handsome actor named Lee Young-Jae. Due to an incident, the two decide to have a contract marriage.

3. The Glory

Song Hye-Kyo movie and drama

In this drama, Song Hye-Kyo plays the character of Moon Dong-Eung very well. Moon Dong-Eung is a woman who experienced violence and bullying by her friends while in high school. As a result of the traumatic incident, she decided to quit school.

After reaching adulthood, he had the intention to take revenge on his past abusers. In addition, he also plans to take out his revenge on the people associated with his torturers, even those who were not involved in his actions.

4. Now, We Are Breaking Up

Song Hye-Kyo movie and drama

Ha Young-Eun, played by Song Hye-Kyo, is a design team leader in a fashion company. She is known as a woman who is smart, beautiful, and has very high self-discipline.

Ha Young-Eun is also sensitive to current trends. In addition, she is also known as a realistic and cold-hearted person, and always prioritizes stability around her. In this drama, viewers will be presented with a story that illustrates the true meaning of love and the inevitability of separation.

5. Encounter


This drama tells the story of Cha Soo-Hyun, played by Song Hye-Kyo. Cha Soo-Hyun is the daughter of a politician and after graduating from university, she marries the son of a family that owns a large company.

Cha Soo Hyun, a politician, must have felt happy about this. However, her husband cheated on her and asked for a divorce. They divorced and now Cha Soo-Hyun is the CEO of a hotel.

When Cha Soo-Hyun was in Cuba, she met a young man named Kim Jin-Hyeok. Kim Jin-Hyeok is a young man who is currently working part-time and is looking for a permanent job.

Kim Jin-Hyeok traveled to Cuba after receiving a phone call from a hotel for a job interview. After arriving in Cuba, he learns that Cha Soo-Hyun, the CEO, has hired him.

6. A Reason to Live


A Reason To Life is a movie starring Song Hye-Kyo as TV Producer Da-Hye. Da-Hye has unpleasant childhood memories due to frequent fights between her parents that led to divorce. When she grew up, she found a man who was like a prince in a fairy tale and they eventually got engaged.

One day, his fiancée Da-Hye got into an accident caused by a teenager that eventually led to his death. After the passage of a year, Da-Hye has managed to forgive the teenager. She felt that it was time to move on and was confident that her future would be better than before.

On the other hand, Ji-Min, the younger brother of Da-Hye’s fiancé, comes to Da-Hye’s apartment and decides to stay with her indefinitely. Ji-Min reveals that her father, a respected judge, physically abused her. Ji-Min then assists Da-Hye in conducting interviews with the families of deceased crime victims.

7. My Brilliant Life


In this movie, Song Hye-Kyo plays the character of Mi-Ra, a girl who is clumsy, rude, and has a very sharp attitude. Mi-Ra then meets a young man named Dae-Soo, who is notorious for his mischievous behavior at school. They become attracted to each other and eventually, Mi-Ra gets pregnant at the age of 17.

Mi-Ra and Dae-Soo have been blessed with the birth of their much-anticipated child. However, their happiness is shaken when they learn that Ah-Reum is suffering from a rare disease that causes premature aging.

That’s the list of the best movies and dramas starring Song Hye-Kyo. After seeing the list, which drama do you think has an exciting story and shouldn’t be missed? Don’t forget to keep visiting Dafunda.

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