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Superman: Legacy Will Feature One Actor Guardians of the Galaxy

Superman: Legacy (2025) will feature one Guardians of the Galaxy actor. Who would that be? Check it out guys!

Superman: Legacy (2025) will feature one actorGuardians of the Galaxy. Who could it be? Check it out guys!

Superman: Legacy as we know will be the first movie to be released by James Gunn’s DC Universe line. Therefore, it’s no surprise that over the past few months, a lot of news/updates have been coming out of this project.

Now the latest update is about the actors from the Guardians of the Galaxy movie franchise who will be featured in this latest Superman movie.

Superman: Legacy GOTG Actor

tweet question from Twitter user, @batclaw02. As we can see for ourselves above, Batclaw asked if there will be any GOTG actors who will appear in Superman: Legacy.

Without being long-winded and to the point, Gunn immediately answered “Yes.”

Potential GOTG Actors who Will Appear in Superman Legacy


Seeing Gunn’s answer, no doubt this makes us even more curious about the potential GOTG actors who will appear in this Superman movie.

Well if we’re being honest, there are several GOTG actors who have the potential to appear in Superman: Legacy. But I’m hoping that Pom Klementieff will be brought in by Gunn?

Already Appearing in Gunn’s DC Universe

Why am I expecting Pom to show up? First, she played Mantis in Guardians of the Galaxy. Now the look and characteristics of Mantis are alien.

And as we know, Superman’s story and mythology emphasize that aspect. Now he could really play one of the alien characters from his planet Krypton, or from another planet.

Secondly, well technically, he is already involved in James Gunn’s DC project. Specifically in the DCEU (now DC Universe) movie, The Suicide Squad (2021). In the movie, she makes a cameo as one of the dancers from the club that the Suicide Squad team visits.

More specifically, she is a dancer with long red hair and all her clothes are the same color as her hair.

However, all of that is still limited to my wishes. Which GOTG actor do you want or predict?

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