The South Korean political thriller The Man Standing Next, directed by Woo Min Ho, has a synopsis that tells the story of the assassination of General Park Chung-hee in 1979. The movie is inspired by the non-fiction novel “Chief of Namsan” by Kim Choong-sik.
The Man Standing Next tells the story of the political situation in South Korea in the 1970s, where the country is under the complete power of President Park (Lee Sung Min) who oversees the KCIA organization and has dominance over all sectors of government.
The conflict that occurred due to political injustice at that time eventually resulted in the fall of a victim, namely President Park himself.
The Man Standing Next Synopsis
The story is set in Korea in the 1970s under President Park (Lee Sung-min), who is in control of the Korean Intelligence Agency (KCIA). The head of the KCIA, Kim Gyu-pyeong (Lee Byung Hun), serves as the second highest position in the Korean leadership.
Political tensions escalated, leading to the assassination of the President by Kim Gyu-pyeong. Prior to that incident, 40 days earlier, Park Yong-gak, the former head of KCIA, gave crucial testimony in a trial in the US amid a leadership crisis.
Park Yong-gak, who understands the political machinations in Korea, was exiled to the US as the “Koreagate” investigation unfolded. His testimony triggered discomfort for Kim Gyu-pyeong and Kwang Sang-cheon, who then plotted to obstruct the disclosure of the truth.
The Man Standing Next stars Lee Byung-Hun, Lee Sung-Min, Kwak Do-Won, Lee Hee-Joon, Kim So-Jin, Seo Hyun-Woo, Ji Hyun-Joon, Park Sung-Geun, Park Ji-Il, Lee Tae-Hyeong, Kim Seung-Hoon, and Kim Min-Sang.
Review of The Man Standing Next
The names of the characters in the movie The Man Standing Next, which was adapted from a true story, were changed. For example, KCIA Chief Kim Jae-gyu became Kim Gyu-pyeong and former KCIA Chief Kim Hyong-uk became Park Yong-gak.
The movie showcases the various despicable acts that may occur among government officials. From betrayal, corrupt practices, to wiretapping the president and the head of the intelligence agency.
The movie depicts the contrast between the pleasures of the bigwigs and the suffering of the people whose lives are at risk in South Korea, creating an atmosphere that makes viewers think hard about the reality of what is happening. The phrase “quietly deadly” is deeply felt in the story of The Man Standing Next.
The Man Standing Next depicts a moral gray area, where no character is completely good or evil. The movie highlights South Korean officials who are more concerned with their own safety.
The phrase “don’t wake the sleeping lion” reflects the change in Lee Byung-hun’s character in The Man Standing Next, especially during the scene towards the end that elicits laughter and marks a change for Kim Gu-pyeong’s character.
The Man Standing Next succeeds in bringing history to life, but viewers need to focus as the chaos and the characters’ desire to save themselves make the storyline and timeline complex.
The movie also tells the story of Koreagate, a scandal in the US involving South Korean officials. There was influence in President Nixon’s decision to withdraw troops from South Korea. Although this is not explained in detail in the movie.
The Man Standing Next is a movie that tells the story of the 40 days before President Park’s assassination, leaving the audience to figure out what happened in South Korea afterward.
That’s the synopsis and review of the thriller The Man Standing Next which tells the politics of South Korea in 1979. Are you curious to watch it?