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Will Smith Appears Again on Television After Chris Rock Incident

Will Smith (King Richard) finally made another television/public appearance after his incident with Chris Rock (Amsterdam) earlier this year.

Will Smith (King Richard) finally made another television/public appearance after his incident with Chris Rock (Amsterdam) earlier this year.

Although it has been almost 10 months after it first happened. But the fact is, there are still many people who can’t forget the incident that happened between Will Smith and Chris Rock.

Yes, it’s the incident where Smith slapped Rock at the 94th Academy Awards. Of course, I don’t need to re-explain the chronology and reasons. Because there are still many of us who remember and know clearly about everything.

Appearing on Television Again


What is clear is that because of this incident. Smith was banned for 10 years by The Academy from the Oscars. In addition, after the incident, this actor, comedian, and rapper, automatically disappeared from the public eye for a long time.

However, he continues to carry out his activities as usual as an actor. Alias, he continues to make new films. Now 10 months later, Will Smith finally appeared again on television after the incident with Chris Rock.

Yes, you read that right and Will Smith made another appearance after the recent incident with Chris Rock. Specifically as a guest on the talk show, The Daily Show with Trevor Noah.

Promote Emancipation

The 54-year-old actor was a guest to promote his latest film Emancipation. The film itself will air on 9 December 2022 on the Apple TV+ platform.

But we can relate, his day back is more dominated by his conversation regarding the Rock incident. Now through this first return, Smith finally explained for the first time and also basically apologized for the incident.

He said that the incident between him and Rock happened because he was in a really bad mood. Or in other words, Smith was having a bad time.

Well of course because of his personal situation that is no longer good. Then it was exacerbated by Rock’s joke that offended him. He then carried out the beating action.

Because of his niece

However, Smith admitted that regardless of the reason. He knows what he did was a mistake. And he is now sorry and does not want people to think of him as the person they saw in the incident.

His desire became even more intense after his 9-year-old nephew asked him this question one day: “Uncle, why did you hit that man (Rock)?”

WOW a 9-year-old child can react like that. And only regretted after the reaction of a child of that age? Waduh embarrassed with age sir! But never mind. The important thing is now everything is clear.

And a lot of respect for Will Smith for finally appearing on television again after the Chris Rock incident. Now, what do you think of this?

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