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These 7 New Wolverine Powers Could Appear in Deadpool 3

Here are 7 new powers of Wolverine that might appear in the Deadpool & Wolverine movie based on what happened in the comics.

While Wolverine has been featured in many movies, there are some incredible powers that have yet to make an appearance, which may become new powers in Deadpool 3.

Wolverine is a well-known character of the X-Men who has been present in almost all the X-Men movies. After not appearing post Logan, the character reappeared in Deadpool.

Up until now, the movie Logan has showcased Wolverine’s incredible powers. However, Deadpool 3 has the potential to introduce new powers for the character.

New Wolverine Powers that May Appear in Deadpool 3

1. Improved basic skills


Wolverine has a much longer lifespan than ordinary humans due to his slow aging process, which allows him to enhance various basic abilities.

In the comics, Wolverine is proficient in using various weapons including swords, which he learned while trapped in Japan. He gained this skill from fighting and training with great people throughout his life.

Wolverine can display his abilities in Deadpool 3, as seen in the trailer. Wolverine’s potential to win against Deadpool is most likely a result of the intense training he has done over the years.

2. Enhanced Senses


Wolverine’s new power that could potentially appear in Deadpool 3 is enhanced senses. This ability is similar to Wolverine’s famous basic powers of keen sense of smell and vision in the X-Men franchise.

However, what many people may not know is that Wolverine has additional abilities related to his senses. One of them is a very keen sense of taste.

Wolverine has an extraordinary level of sensitivity in his sense of taste, which could be an interesting element in the story, such as his ability to identify toxins in food.

Enhanced sense of taste and touch may be considered less interesting as a superpower, but it has the potential to be a new feature in the MCU version of Wolverine that has not previously been explored in his films.

3. Multiple languages, even animal and alien languages


Wolverine’s Adamantium claws allow him to change his mutation, giving him extraordinary abilities such as communicating in various languages, including with animals.

Wolverine often spends time in the wild, meeting and communicating with wolves and other animals, although this ability is rarely shown in comics or movies.

Wolverine has the uncanny ability to interact not only with animals, but also with extraterrestrials or aliens. He developed this multilingual communication ability during his time studying at the Jean Grey of Higher Learning.

In his documented story in the comics, he once formed a friendship and communicated with Doop, an alien who was also his study partner at the institution. However, Wolverine has begun to use this ability less frequently in recent times.

4. Heating the adamantium claw


In the upcoming Deadpool 3 movie, Wolverine might display an extraordinary power that has never been seen before, which is the ability to heat up Adamantium claws to a certain level.

Hugh Jackman’s role as Wolverine often portrays him in a very angry and aggressive state. However, it turns out that the emotion of anger can be enhanced.

Wolverine is theoretically capable of heating his Adamantium claws to extremely high temperatures. However, doing so would result in the inhibition or even temporary cessation of his regenerative abilities.

It would be a shame if the MCU didn’t feature Wolverine’s iconic ability to make his claws heat up when he’s angry, which could add to the dramatic moments in the movie.

5. Immune to magic


In the comics, Wolverine is a combination of a werewolf and a vampire which actually fall into two categories of monsters or mythical creatures. Because he was once bitten by both creatures, Wolverine can transform into both and this gives him great power.

Wolverine became immune to attacks from mysterious creatures and magic, giving Marvel the opportunity to further explore the mystical elements in the MCU, which have so far only been lightly explored through films and series such as Werewolf by Night, Doctor Strange, and WandaVision.

How about the MCU integrates horror elements into its cinematic universe, such as the vampires in Blade, and perhaps introduces these superpowers in roles that may not be dominant but that fans can still enjoy.

6. Become a beast


Wolverine, in addition to having powerful powers and weapons from his Adamantium body, can also transform into more ferocious and terrifying creatures or beasts.

In the comics, there is a moment when Magneto pulls the Adamantium out of Wolverine, causing him to become more savage and lose his consciousness and humanity.

Although the effects of Adamantium on Wolverine have been shown in the movie, its nature has not been fully explored.

Although Magneto has yet to be seen in the MCU, there may be other characters who can trigger Wolverine’s animal nature, such as Cassandra Nova who will reportedly play the villain in this movie.

The trailer shows Cassandra Nova controlling Wolverine, indicating she can trigger a change in his nature to become wilder.

7. Become a phoenix force container


Wolverine new powers that might appear in the next Deadpool 3 is the ability to become a vessel for the Phoenix Force. One of the most powerful cosmic powers was previously more often associated with Jean Grey, even though Wolverine also had this power.

In comic stories, Wolverine becomes the recipient of the Phoenix Force, giving him the incredible power of fire and the potential to destroy worlds and universes, although the likelihood of Marvel delivering the Phoenix Force at this time is relatively small.

Marvel may introduce cosmic entities in Deadpool 3 that are related to the Multiverse, with Wolverine potentially being a vessel for these entities, perhaps even Wolverine possessed by the Phoenix Force could cause the destruction of multiple universes.

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