On Thursday, the anime adaptation of Hyouken no Majutsushi ga Sekai wo Suberu has shown their new trailer. In addition, the staff of The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World has revealed the premiere date of the anime.
The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World is a novel series by Nana Mikoshiba that was originally released on Shosetsuka ni Naro in October 2019. Then Kodansha and printed the novel in July 2020.
Meanwhile, the manga adaptation was done by Norihito Sasaki and was released through Pocket Magazine in June 2020.
New Trailer Anime The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World
It is planned that this action anime will premiere on January 6, 2023. Then the Sizuk music project will perform the opening theme song entitled Dystopia, while Maaya Uchida will perform the closing theme song entitled Loudhaler.
According to information from ANN, the Seiyuu who have been revealed to be present in the anime Hyouken no Majutsushi ga Sekai wo Suberu are:
- Junya Enoki as Ray White
- Iori Saeki as Amelia Rose
- Nana Harumura as Elisa Griffith
- Azumi Waki as Rebecca Bradley
- Kaede Hondo as Clarisse Cleveland
- Akira Sekine as Ariane Olgren
- Atsumi Tanezaki as Lydia Ainsworth
- Nanako Mori as Abby Garnet
- Maaya Uchida as Carol Caroline
- Yuichiro Umehara as Evi Armstrong
Meanwhile, the staff making this anime are Masahiro Takata as director, supervising the series script, and directing the sound. Then Makoto Shimojima who designed the characters and Cloud Hearts Studio.
Hyouken no Majutsushi ga Sekai wo Suberu Anime Synopsis
Everyone knows about the most powerful warrior, the Iceblade Witch, who led the country to victory three years ago, but few people know her name. After surviving the bloody war, Ray White, enrolled at Arnold Academy, ready to experience a normal life.
To make this happen, he keeps his true identity as an Iceblade wizard a secret. Although considered an ordinary person, Tap Ray befriends the arrogant yet kind Amelia Rose, the muscle-brained Evy Armstrong, and the shy and bookish Elisa.
These are the latest information details for the anime Hyouken no Majutsushi ga Sekai wo Suberu. After seeing the latest trailer and knowing when this anime will air, what do you think? Then don’t forget to always visit Dafunda.