Jujutsu Kaisen is a Supernatural series that tells the battle between Jujutsu sorcerer and Cursed Spirit. Now in the series, each Magician and Cursed Spirit has their own techniques, this time Dafunda wants to discuss the user of the Reverse Cursed Technique in Jujutsu Kaisen.
Before getting into the discussion, we would like to inform you that this article takes information from existing sources. Still curious? Well then let’s see the discussion together.
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Reverse Cursed Technique User in Jujutsu Kaisen
1. Ryomen Sukuna
First is Ryomen Sukuna, this character is not human but the King of Cursed Spirits. As a terrible creature who has the title of King, it is certain that Sukuna’s power is very dangerous.
Well, did you know that Sukuna can use Reverse Cursed Technique? With the techniques he has and his strong endurance he can heal various wounds, even he has also healed Itadori Yuji’s hands and heart.
2. Gojo Satoru
The next user of the Reverse Cursed Technique is Gojo Satoru, if previously the technique was used by Ryomen Sukuna for healing, then it is very different from Gojo’s.
Because he uses these techniques to attack. Now one of Gojo’s techniques, Red is able to push all forms of matter. The technique developed when Gojo fought Toji, so when Gojo used Infinity his brain was automatically damaged, but healed again with the reverse cursed technique .
3. Uraume
The next user of the Reverse Cursed Technique is Uraume, this one character does have an appearance like a normal human being. However, she is a loyal servant of Sukuna who has served for thousands of years.
Actually, it has not been fully revealed about Uraume’s strength, but as a character who has lived a long time, she is definitely very strong. In addition, when dealing with Choso, she can have time to heal his arm which was hit by a blood arrow.
4. Yuta Okkotsu
Then there is Yuta Okkotsu, this character is one of the Special Level Sorcerer as well as a distant relative of Gojo Satoru. As a top-level sorcerer, it is certain that Yuta has great power.
Well one of the abilities he has is the reverse cursed technique. In our opinion, his reverse cursed technique is almost balanced with Sukuna’s, because he once stabbed Itadori Yuji’s heart, but at the same time he also healed him.
5. Ieiri Shoko
The last Reverse Cursed Technique user is Ieiri Shoko, this woman is one of the characters in charge of Tokyo Jujutsu High School. Other than the fact that she is a first level witch, there is nothing else.
However, she works as a doctor at the school, as a witch who works as a doctor, it is certain that she is talented in the technique. Previously she failed to show his teeth when Itadori Yuji died, but during the Shibuya Incident she was seen healing some Jujutsu sorcerer.
Thus the discussion about the user of the reverse Cursed Technique. Now after reading this article, which character do you think is the most talented in using this technique?