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5 Facts about Yahiko, the True Akatsuki Leader in Naruto

Yahiko is the real leader of Akatsuki. Even after he died, Nagato still made him a leader through Pain. Here are some fact about Yahiko

If we’re talking about the village of Ame, it feels important to discuss the leader of the revolutionary army there, Yahiko, the true leader of Akatsuki.

In addition, Yahiko is someone who belongs to the strongest ninja group in Ame village. He is part of an orphaned trio alongside Nagato and Konan, all of whom were trained by Jiraiya.

5 Facts about Yahiko, Leader of Akatsuki

1. The meaning of the name Yahiko is perfection or wholeness


There is no official explanation for the meaning of the name Yahiko. The meaning of the name Yahiko is complete or perfect.

Yahiko has a very important role in the Akatsuki group. His presence is vital, because without him, Akatsuki becomes chaotic and incomplete, even in its evil version.

2. The reason behind Nagato making Yahiko a Deva Path

Yahiko pain

A surprising event, Nagato used the six Pain corpses that Jiraiya had previously encountered. Of course, he was chosen by Nagato to become the Deva Path and become the leader of Akatsuki known as Pain.

This was because Nagato wanted to ensure that Yahiko remained the leader of Akatsuki even though he was dead.

3. Is the true leader of Akatsuki


As explained earlier, despite his death, Pain remains the leader of the evil version of Akatsuki.

If there was no Yahiko, Akatsuki would not exist. Yahiko is the one who created the previous good version of Akatsuki.

The Akatsuki team led by Yahiko is on a mission to end the conflict and bring peace to the entire world.

4. Has a romantic bond with Konan

Yahiko and Konan
Yahiko and Konan

Yahiko and Konan have been friends since they were little, even before they met Nagato.

They were both born on February 20 and share the same O blood type. In some situations, it is seen that Yahiko and Konan have a romantic relationship and are attracted to each other.

I wonder how it feels to be Konan who has to work together in Akatsuki with a partner who is actually the corpse of the person he loves, namely Pain.

5. Has three elements

Violent Water Wave.png
Violent Water Wave

Before receiving training from Jiraiya, Yahiko had only focused on one element of nature, water.

In fact, he possesses several natural elements such as water, fire, and wind. After undergoing training with Jiraiya, although the water element was still the dominant one, he managed to master the other two elements. This made him one of the strongest ninja from Ame and the leader of Akatsuki.

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