The One Punch Man manga created by ONE and Yūsuke Murata, will be going on hiatus for 2 months. This announcement was made through Shueisha’s “Tonari no Young Jump” editorial blog.
One Punch Man is a manga and anime that follows the life of a hero named Saitama, who possesses incredible strength and is able to defeat his enemies with just one punch. Despite his undeniable strength, Saitama finds his life to be monotonous and boring as there are no enemies that can challenge him.
One Punch Man Manga Goes on a 2-Month Hiatus
The hiatus began on Thursday, June 20 after the release of the redrawn chapter 201. The manga will resume serialization on August 22, 2024. Yusuke also apologized to readers for the long wait. And announced that the manga will return with a big surprise.
The manga previously announced its plans to redraw the entire Ninja Arc. While the news came as a shock to many, fans have been supportive and appreciative of the move.
In chapter 201, the series has caught up with the original version and future chapters will likely feature a rematch between Blast and Empty Void.
The One-Punch Man manga is published monthly, and is available in English through the publisher Viz Media. In addition, there are 2 seasons of One Punch Man anime that you can watch. And it is currently in production for its third season. The series is a remake of the original web manga by ONE with the same title.
A live action film adaptation of the manga is also in development by a creative team consisting of Rick and Morty and Community co-creator Dan Harmon and screenwriter Heather Anne Campbell. This information was announced by The Hollywood Reporter on April 12.
This is the information about the One Punch Man manga being on hiatus for 2 months. After reading this article, we would like to know how you feel about this delay in the OPM manga?