Dandadan is an anime adaptation of the manga by Yukinobu Tatsu published in Shōnen Jump+ since April 2021. During the airing of the Dandadan anime episode 4, there are some interesting facts that you might not know if you haven’t watched it yet.
The anime combines action, comedy, and supernatural elements. Produced by Science SARU, director Fuga Yamashiro is leading the project with Naoyuki Onda as the character designer and Yoshimichi Kameda designing the yokai and aliens.
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Interesting Facts about Dandadan Anime Episode 4
Okarun, who had gotten out of control, was subdued by her grandmother, Momo Seiko, who had just arrived. She suggested they lure Turbo Granny out of her territory to weaken her powers. The two also have to visit the haunted tunnel. Here are some interesting facts about the Dandadan anime in episode 4.
1. Momo and Okarun Fight Turbo Granny in the Tunnel
After having an embarrassing moment wearing traditional costumes, Momo and Okarun arrive at the tunnel where Turbo Granny lives. However, they are trapped as the yokai granny appears with two giant faces that surround the tunnel, almost getting them eaten.
Momo tries to challenge Turbo Granny in a race, but gets stuck instead. Okarun then attacks the granny, forcing her to possess Momo again. Momo also took this opportunity to seal the demon with her esper powers.
2. Tunnel Lord Spirit Appears
Momo and Okarun made the area’s ruling spirit, a giant crab with a human face, angry because they couldn’t accept that Turbo Granny would be killed. They immediately ran away because their goal was to expel Turbo Granny from the area.
Momo and Okarun face increasingly complicated problems when they have to pass through a densely populated area, making them the center of attention and making Momo feel embarrassed. The crab is only subdued after Momo lures him to a hot spring.
3. Spirits Chasing Momo and Okarun
After facing the spirit crabs, Momo and Okarun now have to face a new problem. Turbo Granny has contacted the spirits inhabiting the city’s border cemetery for help.
Momo asked Okarun to return to Turbo’s grandmother mode when she saw a motionless crab appear. In that form, Okarun ran with all her might until they reached the train tracks.
4. Turbo Granny loses to Momo
Turbo Granny eventually joined the spirit crabs and challenged Momo to another chase. Momo accepted the challenge and escaped by boarding a passing train, which had a maximum speed of 120 km/h, while Turbo Granny’s was only 100 km/h.
Turbo Granny manages to jump onto the train and argues that public transit can’t keep going at top speed. Momo, however, wanted to catch Turbo Granny and hold her until the city limits. Eventually, the combined bodies of Turbo Granny and the crab burst into bubbles, revealing the spirits of the young girls Momo had last seen.
5. There’s a reason Turbo Granny is a caretaker for the spirits of victims of violence
After the conflict ended, Seiko revealed that Turbo Granny, despite her lewd appearance, was actually a kind-hearted yokai. She often goes around in the tunnels to look for the spirits of girls who died tragically.
The tunnel is notorious for dumping the bodies of female victims of sexual violence, leaving many spirits trapped there. Turbo Granny appears as a caretaker figure to prevent the spirits from becoming evil spirits.
Seiko and other spiritual practitioners have long been trying to find Turbo Granny in order to return the spirits to their rightful place.
Those are some interesting facts about the Dandadan anime episode 4 that has aired. Let’s look forward to the excitement of the next episode next week!