Rising Impact anime synopsis follows the exciting story of Gawain Nanaumi on a journey to pursue his dreams in the world of golf. Along the way, she will face tough competition and make friendships that will also support him.
This anime adapts the famous manga by Nakaba Suzuki, presenting an inspiring and engaging narrative of one person’s struggle to achieve their dreams.
1. Rising Impact Anime Synopsis
The Rising Impact anime tells the adventures of Gawain Nanaumi, a student who develops a love for golf after becoming acquainted with Kiria Nishino, a professional golfer.
Initially only interested in baseball, Gawain became captivated by the allure of golf and chose to follow a career path in the sport.
Then next, Gawain, with determination and high spirits, overcame various challenges and obstacles in the competitive world of golf, proving that with hard work and belief in oneself, dreams can come true.
Hitoshi Nanba is the director of this anime. Rising Impact also features talented voice actors who provided voices for the Weekly Shonen Jump series that ran from 1998 to 2002. The list of voice actors is as follows:
- Misaki Kuno as Gawain;
- Yumiri Hanamori as Lancelot Normal;
- You Taichi as Kai Todoin;
- Shunsuke Takeuchi as Riser Hopkins;
- Yuto Uemura as Liebel Ringvald;
- Kaede Hond as Yumiko Koizumi;
- Yumi Uchiyama as Platalissa Bonaire;
- Eiji Takemoto as Wanglian Li.
2. Airing Schedule
Rising Impact will make its debut on June 22, 2024, beginning the saga of Gawain Nanaumi in his quest for dominance in the golf arena. Anime lovers are invited to catch the initial season which will air exclusively only on Netflix.
Furthermore, the announcement of the arrival of the second season of Rising Impact on August 6, 2024 gives fans another chance to follow the development of the main character and the obstacles he will encounter in the anime series.
Rising Impact features captivating graphics, touching narratives, and has become one of the most anticipated anime for anime lovers. This anime not only provides visual entertainment, but also conveys valuable inspiration to its viewers.