In the Jujutsu Kaisen series, there are three main clans that are in charge of the foundation of the Mages. In addition, according to some fans, these 3 clans are rich, because they can pay the witches with a large fee. Now this time Dafunda wants to discuss the 3 Sorcerer Family in Jujutsu Kaisen.
Now before entering the discussion, we want to tell you that this discussion article takes information from several sources. Still curious? Ok, let’s just check the discussion.
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Sorcerer Family in the Jujutsu Kaisen
1. Gojo Family
First up is the Gojo Family. Well as you can guess, Gojo Satoru comes from this family, so it’s not strange that he is rich and strong. However, there is still very little information about the Gojo Clan, even during the Gojo Past Arc, there was no information about this family at all.
2. Zenin Family
Then is the Zenin Family, for those of you who follow the Jujutsu Kaisen series, you must know Maki and Mai. Well those two people are from the Zenin Family.
As one of the main Family, it is certain that every year this family contributes highly qualified Jujutsu mages. It’s no wonder why Maki and Toji, who were not born wizards, were discriminated against and considered a disgrace.
3. Kamo Family
Last but not least is the Kamo Family. You still remember Noritoshi Kamo during the Goodwill Event Arc. Yaps, the man who always closes his eyes and students from Kyoto are members of the Kamo family.
According to various information, it had been a long time since Kamo Family had produced a son. So, the clan leader had an affair with another woman, and Noritoshi was born.
Being born a man, he was treated as such, but it was different for his mother who was treated unfavorably. So it was no wonder that he was obsessed with becoming the Family leader, so that his mother could live comfortably.
So that’s a little discussion about the 3 Family in Jujutsu Kaisen. Now after seeing the discussion, what do you think about this family? Then among the three of them who is the most powerful?