Love Your Enemy is a Korean drama that carries a romantic comedy theme with a story synopsis that tells the story of a love journey that begins with hatred. The drama directed by Park Joon-Hwa and written by Im Ye-Jin features Joo Ji Hoon and Jung Yu Mi as the main stars.
This Korean drama not only offers a love story. But also, insert comedic elements to make the story more interesting. This drama is the latest Korean drama airing at the end of November this week.
Here is the synopsis and the cast list.
Love Your Enemy Synopsis
Seok Ji Won and Yoon Ji Won were born on the same day and in the same town. However, their families already have a history of enmity that goes back generations. As a result, Seok Ji Woo and Yoon Ji Won became rivals. Even though they went to the same school, they never stopped arguing every time they met.
Seok Ji Won is a young man who is always cheerful and very talented, both in studies and sports. On the other hand, Yoon Ji Won was once nicknamed Mad Dog because she was very sensitive to injustice and could not stay silent when she saw bad things happening around her.
Eventually, the two of them had to separate when Seok Ji Won moved to another city with her family. After growing up, Seok Ji Won served as the managing director of the Seokban Construction company.
Finally, Seok Ji Won returns to his hometown and serves as the principal of Dokmok High School. The place where he and Yoon Ji Won once studied. Unexpectedly, he reunited with Yoon Ji Won who now works as a sports teacher at the school.
After 18 years apart, these two enemies who never got along are finally reunited. Yoon Ji Won, who is calmer now than she was in her teens. Suddenly, her wild Mad Dog side comes out once she meets Seok Ji Won.
Cast List
tvN, as the broadcasting television station, has announced the list of actors and actresses who will play a role in Love Your Enemy. Here are some of the list of actors and actresses playing the drakor Love Your Enemy.
- Joo Ji Hoon plays the character of Seok Ji Won.
- Jung Yu Mi plays the character of Yoon Ji Won.
- Lee Si Woo plays the character Kong Moon Soo.
- Kim Ye Won plays the character of Cha Ji Hye.
- Kim Kap Soo plays the character of Yoon Jae Ho.
- Lee Byung Joon plays the character of Seok Kyeong Tae.
- Jeon Hye Jin plays the character of Maeng Soo A.
Airing Schedule
Based on information we received from the production team, filming for the drama Love Your Enemy has started since May 2024. The drama premieres on November 23, 2024 and will fill the slot that Jeongnyeon previously occupied: The Star is Born occupies. Love Your Enemy will present an interesting drama that airs every Saturday and Sunday on tvN.
For those of you who are international fans and want to watch it, don’t worry! Love Your Enemy will also be available simultaneously on Viki.