In the One Piece anime or manga, Kaido is one of the four emperors of the ocean, Kaido is a very strong but also violent person. It is said that Kaido is famous for always making other Pirate Captains submit and join his group.
Curious who are the Pirate Captains who became Kaido crew? Let’s take a look at the list below.
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List of Pirate Captains, Who Became Kaido’ Crew
1. Basil Hawkins
Basil Hawkins was originally a member of the alliance of Pirate Kid, Apoo, and his own group. But after Kaido attacked their meeting place, Hawkins eventually bowed under Kaido.
Hawkins was eventually able to earn a spot as a Headliner in Kaido’s group, though he did not stay with them for long.
2. Scratchmen Apoo
Scratchmen Apoo is the captain of the On Air Pirate group who also serves Kaido’s group. Initially Apoo formed an alliance with Kid and Hawkins. But who would have thought. Apoo had previously joined Kaido’s group and betrayed their alliance.
It was because of Apoo’s betrayal that Hawkins was forced to serve Kaido, and made Kid enter Udon prison.
3. X Drake
X Drake was the captain of his own group before joining Kaido. He is a former Navy soldier who defected and became a pirate. However, secretly behind the scenes X Drake is actually part of SWORD, a special Navy team that operates behind the scenes.
Since X Drake is a secret agent of the Navy, X Drake is obviously not really loyal to Kaido even though he has a high position as a member of Tobi Roppo.
4. Sasaki
is one of the members of Tobi Roppo who used to be a Pirate Captain before joining Kaido. as a former Pirate Captain Sasaki is eyeing the All Star position.
5. Who’s-Who
Just like X Drake and Sasaki, Who’s-Who is part of Tobi Roppo which puts him in a high position in Kaido’s group.
Not much is known about this Who’s-Who, both in terms of his power and his history before joining Kaido. However, King mentioned that this Who’s-Who was once a Pirate captain.
Just like Sasaki, Who’s-Who is not satisfied with his current position, he and Sasaki plan to take the All Star position.
Those are the 5 Pirate Captains who are now Kaido’s subordinates, so what about the other members of Tobi Roppo, are they former captains too? There is no information about the other members of Tobi Roppo yet.
Now, of the five characters above. Which character do you like?