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Bandai Namco Announces New Character Azucena for Tekken 8

Bandai Namco has just announced that it will present a new character for their new game Tekken 8 called Azucena.

Bandai Namco has just announced that it will present a new character for their new game Tekken 8 called Azucena. This announcement certainly makes fans of this game feel happy and can’t wait to try this new character.

Recently, the developer has announced that there will be two new characters coming to Tekken 8, one of which is an original character.

The new character that has been confirmed is Raven. This character appeared in the previous edition, then disappeared and returned in Tekken 8. Besides Raven, the character that makes many people curious is Azucena.

About Azucena Tekken 8

Azucena is a female character who is famous for her exceptional skills in martial arts. She is unique in that she has a different background from the other characters in the game.

In Tekken’s story, Azucena hails from Peru and has studied various martial arts styles since a young age. His skill in fighting makes him a character that is quite feared by his opponents.

In Bandai Namco’s official trailer, Azucena has the nickname The Queen of Coffee from Peru. The country is known as one of the best coffee producers in the world. That background also makes Azucena have its own charm.

Katsuhiro Harada, the producer of Tekken 8 has always been ingenious in creating game characters. He often uses appropriate real-world references and this makes his characters relatable and feel like reality.

The presence of Azucena also means Tekken finally has a character from Peru. With the nickname Perfect Blend, this character does have an affinity and interest in the black and bitter drink.

Azucena Tekken 8 Gameplay


In gameplay, Azucena offers a different and unique playstyle. It has a series of combos and special attacks that it can use to defeat opponents. In addition, she also has the ability to adapt to various situations, making her a flexible and reliable character in battle.

Azucena will also have her own story in this game. While details are still secret, many fans are hoping that Azucena’s story will add depth and richness to Tekken 8’s narrative.

With the addition of this new character, Tekken 8 further demonstrates its commitment to providing a diverse and exciting gaming experience for its players. The introduction of Azucena as a new character in Tekken 8 also shows Bandai Namco’s commitment.

With the addition of these new characters, they hope to attract more players and maintain the game’s popularity among the gamer community.

Tekken 8 developer Bandai Namco revealed that Tekken 8 will be coming to Next-Gen consoles. Tekken 8 will be released for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and S, and also comes to PC via Steam.

That’s all the information about the introduction of Azucena Tekken 8 which is certainly interesting for us to see. In order not to miss information and also other interesting content from us, make sure you keep visiting Dafunda.

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