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Venom The Last Dance Trailer Reveals Symbiote’s Home Planet

Venom The Last Dance movie trailer reveals the planet Klyntar, where the Symbiotes originate from. This movie will be the last Venom movie.

Sony Pictures has finally unveiled the first trailer for the new movie titled Venom The Last Dance. This movie will be the end of the adventures of Eddie Brock and Venom after the previous two movies.

Reportedly, this movie will be the finale of the Symbiote story. After a long wait, the official title of the third Venom movie has finally been announced by Sony as The Last Dance.

Symbiotes’ home revealed in Venom The Last Dance trailer

Sony Pictures

The 3-minute 15-second trailer managed to arouse the enthusiasm of fans, as it showed Tom Hardy facing a large alien symbiote from Venom’s home planet.

Venom The Last Dance will be released on October 25, 2025. Sony Pictures has finally released the first trailer for the movie, which will be released in the coming months.

The trailer features some interesting things, including the introduction of the planet Klyntar where the Symbiotes live. In the trailer, it is seen that the Symbiotes from the planet have attacked earth.

Apparently, the American military and a scientist named Dr. Payne are looking for Venom and Eddie Brock. They are trying to return Venom to his home planet, but they want to do it in secret.

Possibly unrelated to Spider-Man 4

Possibly unrelated to Spider-Man 4
Possibly unrelated to Spider-Man 4

Additionally, the trailer suggests that Venom The Last Dance is likely unrelated to Spider-Man 4, despite featuring some events after the movie Spider-Man: No Way Home.

In the movie trailer, we see the character played by Chiwetel Ejiofor capturing another Symbiote. This suggests that the much-talked-about theory that Spider-Man will wear a black costume in Spider-Man 4 may not be realized.

On the other hand, Chiwetel Ejiofor’s presence in the movie The Last Dance might give a hint about the connection between the two universes.

There was a surprise in the Venom The Last Dance trailer when Rhys Hans was introduced as Dr. Curt Connors, also known as The Lizard in The Amazing Spider-Man.

The question is whether he will continue to play the Lizard or will become another character. Sony has no plans for Venom’s fate after this movie.

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