
5 Marvel Comic Characters Who Can Control the Weather

Hello Marvel fans, this time we will discuss Marvel characters who can control the weather. Who are they? Check here.

As we know Marvel is one of the superhero franchises that has been around for a long time. Marvel Comics has many characters with unique and different strengths, of these many characters, there are characters who have the power to relate to nature. Therefore this time we will discuss Marvel characters who can control the weather.

The characters we will discuss have the power or power that can change natural conditions. Of course, the power they have is arguably very large and also strong.


Here’s a Marvel Character Who Can Control the Weather

So who are the characters in Marvel comics who can control the weather? If you’re curious, you can check out the list below.

1. Zeus

Zeus | Marvel Studios

The first Marvel character who can control the weather is Zeus. As we know Zeus is one of the oldest Gods in Marvel, even though he looks like an old man. But the fact is Zeus’ power is still great.

One of the powers Zeus has is that he can control the weather. There was even a moment when all the Gods of Olympus worked together to turn Zeus into a child. But the cool thing is that with a small child’s body Zeus still has great strength.

2. Thor

Thor 4
Thor | Marvel

The next Marvel character who can control the weather is Thor. As we know Thor is one of the most powerful members of the Avengers, he is the son of Odin and also the God of Asgard.

As a God, of course Thor can live with a very long life and also great strength. One of Thor’s most famous powers is that he can control the weather. There was once a moment when Thor summoned a galactic storm and made the weather on many planets chaotic.

3. Storm

Storm | Marvel

The next Marvel character who can control the weather is Storm. For those of you who don’t know, Storm is one of Marvel’s most famous Mutants, as she has powers that allow her to control the weather.

Since she first appeared, Storm has been able to control the weather such as summoning lightning, rain and can even create storms. Until now, there are only a few characters who dare to fight with Storm, because with the power she has, Storm is already an Omega Level Mutant.

4. Vlad Dracula

Vlad Dracula
Vlad Dracula | Marvel

Then there’s Vlad Dracula. For those of you who don’t know, Vlad is one of the Marvel characters who can control the weather. When Vlad appeared several centuries ago, he had brought a huge storm with him.

With this ability, Vlad can create a very thick fog. Although Vlad’s weather control ability is on par with Thor and Strom, after he uses his power, Vlad will be weakened for a long time.

5. Santa Claus

Santa Claus
Santa Claus | Marvel

The last Marvel character who can control the weather is Santai Claus. Maybe you feel strange about this one character, but actually this Santa Claus figure does exist in Marvel comics.

According to the information we got, Professor X had mentioned that Santa is the strongest mutants, his abilities are equivalent to Omega level mutants. He can manipulate matter, elements, time, reality, gravity, and also the weather. His weather ability can summon snowfall and make Christmas Eve more beautiful.

These are the Marvel characters who can control the weather. After reading this article and seeing the list, who do you think has the greatest power? Then don’t forget to always visit Dafunda.

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